Photo of our Grandson Michael, he turned 21 this year and I wonder how he did that so fast.I am popping in for just a moment to say that I am taking a short break from my blog. We have many things going on and we are working on building a safe hallway from storms and building a double ceiling and walls. This turned out to be a bigger job than we expected as we are doing this ourselves. Our Katherine when she was a baby.And now the main reason for the break, our little dog Katherine, such a joy to us has passed away and we are dealing with much grief over her not being here with us. She was just shy of being 17 years old. Katherine (aka Katie) front and her b ......
A photo of Margaret aka Maggie.I thought it was a good time to do an update on our four legged family members and a good time for me because I need to do a post like this at this time. In our entire state of Alabama, there are no ICU Beds left in any hospital in our state. Our Grocery store down the street has closed due to staffing problems and the tropical storm just passed through us night before last. I am thankful that we did not get any damage, we Just need to clean the yard and help a family member to cut up a tree that fell on her porch.This is early for us to have tropical storms or hurricanes here, we normally get more ramped up around mid, la ......
With a grieving heart I must say that our little Bootsy (lovebird) has passed away.She brought us much joy and much chatter. The house is more quiet.Bootsy was severely handicapped. She had two clubbed feet, twisted and only could walk on her heels. We went through many cages in our 8 years to find her the best living area.We had our good morning routines and our special night night sounds. Bootsy would say night night in her squeeky little voice and her name Bootsy. She loved to talk to her toys especially her hanging shells. She had her woobys she would snuggle in and she was a very happy little bird considering she could not perch. This past ......
I have not updated about Katherine since her surgery 13 days ago. We have very good news to report. Katherine had her stitches removed from under her neck yesterday and her surgery wound has closed completely. They made an incision under her neck and went into her spine to operate on a herniated disc in her neck.They shaved her under her neck and on the top backside of her back. She had a Myelogram before surgery. She does not have any type of paralysis from the herniation. Three years ago she had emergency surgery for a herniation in her lower back and she had paralysis. They got to her quickly and after a few weeks she was walking again.We lov ......
We have had a exhausting week. Our Katherine started showing signs that something was off. I had posted about her a few years ago after she had spinal surgery for a herniated disk in her back. It took a bit of work for her to get back to walking because before the surgery she had sudden paralysis. Well after a few days of her not being her self but not sure what was wrong she suddenly started rhythmically jerking her head.After xrays and many tests it was determined that Katherine had another ruptured disc but this time it was a cervical disc. She had a very painful surgery with a complication of a bleed but we have our Katherine back home now doi ......
Remember all the cute fall photos of the past years? Awww so sweet babies....Not this year! They will have no part of giving this Mom just one good fall photo.Bernadette says this is not for me.Elizabeth will have no part in having a picture with a hat on her head!Katherine will comply for just one second!Leave me alone.I will pull yours off if you pull mine off....Everybody run!Elizabeth, come get me!Bernadette, roll like this and maybe it will come off!Notice Elizabeth's collar where Bernadette likes to pull her around by the collar?Ok this is it! The End..... ......
We have to leave 1943 every so often to do important current time things.Bernadette is one of our three little dogs. Her story is under the pet section called our new addition.Bernadette is a rescue from an abuse situation. She was injured and that is described in her story but I wanted to update you on how she has grown.This was Bernadette when we first got her. She was a very sick baby.She required much veterinary care.This is Bernadette, Katherine and Elizabeth at the Vet for their yearly check up.Bernadette is now One Year Old Happy Birthday Bernadette!We have gone through a lot with Bernadette getting her to this point. She had some fear issues from her abuse most likely and stubborn ......
It was becoming a dreaded thing in our house, feeding our dogs.How could these sweet babies cause so much stress? Meal time! They were scoffing down their food, choking and in less than 30 seconds the food was gone!I went to the internet to find a solution but there was nothing that would work. We never had such a problem and it started with Katherine's surgery.Katherine gave us a terrible scare about a year and half ago. She woke up one morning paralyzed. We rushed her to the doctor then spinal surgery. We had to keep her weight down so instead of keeping a bowl of food down for them we had to measure out their food and feed them twice a day.This led to scoffing the ......
One morning in August I got up and checked my messages and saw a post that a lady was needing for someone to take a puppy that had been hit by a cable truck. Not knowing the whole story at the time I called the person that posted and long story short we took in a puppy that had been hit by a cable truck, had been badly abused, someone had tied rubber bands around her back left foot/leg and both her ears and had cut off the circulation to her ears and her foot. Her head was not right and she was infested with mites.We named her Bernadette....Bernadette was very tired and sick. A very nice lady had picked her up and tried to find who owned her and took her to a vet but had a busy j ......
Bootsy is our Lovebird that is Handicapped. She has two severely clubbed feet and walks on her elbows. She is a happy bird and she talks, runs around her cage and she even lays eggs!This is Bootsy when she was a baby. She was learning to walk using her elbows. I splinted her feet off and on trying to get her feet untangled but it never did much good for walking but it did help to spread them just enough so she can climb hooking her toes over the wire.I fed bootsy formula until she was old enough to eat food on her own.This is how Bootsy balances herself, using her elbows.Bootsy has learned to do many things using her elbows and her beak.I am always trying out new things for ......
Now Bell and Bootsy have flight cages.This is Bell and she has a missing toe and a slight beak problem. She is very sweet and loves to snuggle in the rocking chair.This is our Bootsy. She is a lovebird with two clubbed feet. She was just a baby when we got her. This photo was taken several years ago. We were feeding her formula at this time.Bootsy grew up and at first we thought she was a he but then one morning there was an egg.Her pretty little egg.Bootsy has had several cages since she cannot perch but she thinks she is the queen bee and can do anything! Birds can live a long time and if they must live in a cage we wanted to give them both th ......
We have a Cockatiel named Bell and a Lovebird named Bootsy. My dream was to get our Bell a flight cage and this is her new cage. In my pet section on this website I have the story of our two birds. We adopted these birds as rescues because they are both handicapped. One day we were at the pet store buying bird food and we saw a nice flight cage and knew right away that this would be wonderful for our Bell. Cockatiels have a very wide wing span. So we saved our money and we purchased this cage. Bell and Bootsy have been living in two nice size cages in a closet in my sewing room but I always want more space for them. They have been very happy there and wh ......
Today we were Microchipped! (whatever that means) Katherine, quit yawning and licking, Mom is trying to take our picture! Daddy, how much longer do we have to pose? Tell Mom to quit! Ok girls, I will just tell what we did today. This past week was very traumatic for all of us. We rescued a stray dog that was very Emanciated, flea infested and just in awful condition after being out on her own. I did everything to try and find anyone looking for her. We cleaned her up, treated her for fleas, gave her a soft bed for several days and fed her very well. I contacted several rescue groups and spread her news everywhere. We could ......
We just love our babies. Lady Elizabeth on the left and Lady Katherine (Katie) on the right. But then we had an emergency, our Katie had a disc to herniate so I am putting up a page as we go day by day with her recovery. Katie suddenly did not want to walk, her tail was tucked and she was very tight around her belly. We knew something was very wrong and rushed her to the vet on a Wednesday. The vet thought it was anal gland problems because Katie has this problem often. But I thought her back was bothering her too and the doctor put her on anti-inflamatory. Thursday was no better then Friday Morning as I got her up I knew something bad was going on ......
Katherine and Elizabeth It is finally Fall! Yes I am smiling, if you don't like it then so........ Can I just smile laying down? Elizabeth, will you teach me how to do that? Ok, Katie, one two three..... I just know we are going to have to do this again...She's not smiling is she? Mom, if we just look cute do we still have to smile? I can look cute, my face just won't smile no matter how hard I try. Ok Elizabeth, this is what we do..... Mom, we are trying hurry up and push the button! ......
This is Katherine known as Katie on the left and Elizabeth known as Elizabeth on the right. They are our two little dogs we call our girls. This is Katie on the left and Frank on the right. They are real brother and sister. Frank belongs to my Son and lives across town. Katie loves when Frank comes for a visit and Frank is the same when Katie visits his house. I will back things up a bit now and tell their story. Frank My Son looked over two puppies at the store and this little guy was less shy and so my Son brought him home and named him Frank. My Son was single and Frank would keep him compa ......
New photo's will be updated with the newest photo at the top of this page. to read about their story go to Our Birds Boots and Bell Boots is a Lovebird with two club feet. That has not stopped him from being a happy bird. Bootsy is getting so grown up now. He has been weaned! Boots when we first got him and now he is growing up so pretty! Boots and Bell have new platform perches. I ordered them from these are wonderful for Boots so he can climb since he cannot use his feet due to being clubfoot (both feet). Boots made it up to his upper deck using his new flat perches. Bell is checking out her new flat perch. She ......
We currently have three bunnies. Carley, Cookie and Sugar. We adopted all three from situations. Carley is a dwarf lionhead bunny that stayed outside in a small cage and did not get much attention because her teenage owner was allergic to her. This is Carley This was Carley's first cage. Looks good but not easy to clean due to the urine went back behind the cage and missed the floor pans. It always smelled and was not sanitary. Then we adopted two neglected bunnies from the humane society that had been left in a much too small cage in a garage and did not get any attention. Cookie the floppy eared bunny was much too big for the shared cage an ......
Our unexpected Babies This is Boots And This is Bell One morning we met with this licensed wildlife rehab man to see if he could take an injured squirrel that had fallen from one of our trees. We had already brought him an injured flying squirrel a year before. Well that morning he was very busy giving bottles to ten baby squirrels, three flying squirrels and a mess of other things. In one of his cages I noticed a lovebird and a cockatiel. Jim said that a lady had simply dropped them off with their remaining forumla. Jim explained to us that was how it usually went, someone just dropping off the young and injured. He is a very nice man and is thankful that they cared ......

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