About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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A Gift
We are getting to a point that we are feeling more like the year 1940. It is like we have given ourselves a gift. That feeling of something that we have been wanting for. It is the only way I can explain this study.I feel peaceful, steady and calm and I do feel this is a gift and a sign that this is what we are supposed to be doing at this time. A small cream and sugar set that I found at a the thrift store looked to be like many people seem to feel today. I passed it up and kept walking through the store because I was there just browsing for certain vintage items that I keep my eye out for such as an ink well. I finally gave in and ordered one after th ......
The Deceptive Rose
The lure... the bait... we sniff... we walk around it... the voice tells us that this is the most wonderful thing that can happen if you just sign right here.....The latest electric refrigeration above, the 1940 new model. The signs are everywhere, Don't Wait for cash, buy now on Terms. You can even add a new electric range, it can be added to your Time Payment Account.Adjust your brain that you are living in the year 1940. Try to use your imagination what that was like.....Your old reliable ice refrigerator that you have depended on for many years. Notice the ice block in the upper top right hand side. They are trying to convince you that your old diffic ......
This July Week in 1940 Study
We tried to do a normal as possible 1940 week. I did not check all of the boxes but that is okay, I am figuring it out as I go. This week I got off to a good start with washing on Monday and ironing on Tuesday but I did not finish the ironing, actually I only ironed just enough to get Charles through because we had been so busy still trying to sort through our closets, drawers and many other things. We have this area between our counter and the stove where we keep a trash can. I pulled it all out to clean this space and each time I take a photo to show you something on my blog I see dirt that I missed, I guess that is a good thing. So my new advice for clean ......
Days of the week
We continue the study of 1940 and are trying to live like this year of 1940 as best we can considering it is the year of 2024. When we start a history study, we slowly change our home, shift things around, remove what they would not have had in the year we are studying and this year is 1940. We try to make our studies fun as we go and we lean to the good parts of this time in history as far as our home life. As the studies move along, we do learn of things we do not like but we do not have to bring that into our home. Going to the movies was a very popular thing to do since there was no television in many if not most parts of the country. People di ......
PW Friday, The Slow Adventure
I truly mean when I say that it is a good feeling to live more like the 1940's. It was a beautiful time aside from the war. As soon as Charles and I made the decision to go back and study the 1940's again we felt better. As we started adjusting our home again we started feeling a relief. All week Charles has said, I am not kidding, I just want to stay in this era. He was gathering the books he wanted to read the very first day we discussed it.In yesterday's post, I said that I feel that in some way they were more modern than we are now. I keep thinking about this and I feel that maybe it is because what they did have was well made, they had a lot of pra ......
PW Thursday New Items For 1940
Todays post is about looking into what a home would have possibly looked like in 1940. As I have written about before it all depends on where someone lived, city, town, farm etc. So what I have done is made a way so you can look at what could have been purchased during this time.As a reminder, the study of 1940, the home was built pre 1940 unless they were building it right then. The home could have been built in the Edwardian era or the Victorian Era, it could be a 1920's home or a modern 1930's home. Many people farmed and lived in a farmhouse of any age. They may have furnishings from far back and added new things along the way b ......
PW Wednesday  The sounds of 1940
When you sit and sew you can do a lot of thinking and remembering, especially if you have lived awhile long. I was the old fashioned child, the old soul as someone might say. I had a draw to the old things from the time I can remember. This is especially odd since I was the daughter of my parents.Above is Guy Lombardo and my parents. You can do a search of Guy Lombardo and find that he was a famous musician, especially during the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's. Their group was four brothers, and they had other musicians that played with them during shows, my father being one of them. My dad could play most any instrument he put his hands on. Dad playe ......
PW Tuesday 1940 The Unspoken Way
Yesterday's post about clothing and how many articles of clothing one needs in 1940, a new discussion has come up in the forum about the number of undies that someone should have during this time in history.Panties, is mostly what we are referring to, because on the website Vintage Dancer it was mentioned one would have only 4 pair of panties in 1940. The title of this post here today, is the unspoken way. Some of you in the forum have what you remember of why only four pair of panties were needed, thank you for posting, and yes the reason is because people hand washed their panties throughout the week. We all have our unspoken way of doing things so there are ......
Peek Week Monday 1940
Everyone gets a bit excited around our house when we start a new study. These studies are good for us in many ways and it keeps us from getting stale like old bread.I have decided that I will do another peek week this week as I did the beginning of last year. I will do my best to post each day this week to help get us on track for this new study. This is Monday July 1 when I am posting this article and talking about what we will be doing today on our first day of the study of 1940.July 1940Today I will be removing all clothing from the closet and chest of drawers as well as Charles Chifforobe. This chore will cause another chore later because I must go through, donate or store the ......
Learning the basics a way to start 1940 study
We are now starting our new study of the year 1940. Charles and I have been shifting furniture around and removing some items and packing them away. We like to get the feel of the year that we are studying. So we remove some items that they did not have during the time that we are studying with the exception of our heating and cooling and necessary items of today. This is not necessary to do, it is just something we do to make the study a bit more exciting and we also get the house extra clean from moving furniture. :)For those that will be doing this study with us or just reading along, there are some things to remember. The skills of an adult keeping a ho ......
Aprons,  Knitted bandages and Moving Again
Here we go again, we are leaving 1917, we gathered some facts while we were there but the news was slim due to war news and little other. We left some things unfinished in the 1940s so we packed up and went back home to the unstudied year of 1940. On July 1, 2015 Charles and I took an adventure back in time and did a one year study of the year 1943. We wanted to study rationing during world war 2. We started the study on July 1st instead of January 1 because it took us a while to figure out how to do this study. This led to more history studies that had us jumping all over in time. This is what it was like, Oh, let's study another year! Where do you ......
Be the Strong
Our handwritten home expenses journal from 1880 to 1942. Throughout my blog I do my best to share information from the historical items that we have, especially journals and diaries. There is a lot of chaos in this world and this is nothing new. However, it does seem that it is more than I have seen in my lifetime. Charles and I study history, the home front especially, it seems to us that the people that make it through chaos and hard times had strength that came from practicality. These are the people that rolled up their sleeves and understood what it takes to grow food, to sweat, to understand what living basic really means. Basic does not mean t ......
Each Meal is a Celebration
I am very thankful for the things we have, and it is good to be getting back to something that feels normal. Charles and I have been working towards improving our diet but in a way that is sensible and affordable.We are grinding our own grains, soaking our flour and making yogurt with live cultures. We took everything out of our pantry and gave it a good cleaning, we rotated everything that needed to be rotated. As we are getting older our needs change so sometimes we stop eating certain things and so if we have food that might expire, we take it to donate to the food bank before it expires. I feel the need to make sure that we can feed our family through a c ......
Finally getting the old feel in the house
It is peach season at our house and we have been enjoying eating fresh peaches for a few weeks now. We have also eaten a few figs as well. A few days ago I put up some more peaches to make peach pies. Our trees are young but it is encouraging to see that the peaches that they do make are very enjoyable.I would like to say that I am still soaking anything that has grain, seeds, beans, nuts etc. and it is helping with digestion. I am still learning so I am not posting my recipes but each day I am getting better at it.I started another sewing project and made a small curtain to go on the kitchen sink window.I decided to go with a layered look, I felt the need t ......
Our Ancestors Understood
While we are learning new old things, it is getting late spring and that means we had to get on with it in the garden. We are busy inside and outside the house.I have been spending a lot more time in the kitchen because I am trying to take the time to prepare our food in a more healthy manner. It is very confusing to know what is good to eat because it seems that each week or so there is some report such as dairy is bad for us, gluten is bad, sugar is bad, meat is bad, eggs are bad and on and on. How did anyone ever live in the past? I feel that what is bad is how our food is grown and animals are raised, that is what is bad. Charles and I bot ......
Be part of a memory
When I was a child I was drawn to my most interesting relatives. The ones that were just themselves and with no pretence and were perfect as they were. Each one had something interesting about them, the way they dressed or fixed their hair. Sometimes it was what their interests were such as always finding them out in the garden or inside with fabric and buttons and sewing notions all about. Vivian had a costume shop, Grandmother crochet doll dresses, Aunt Nina enjoyed antiques, Uncle Less had a country store with penny candy and soda pop on ice.I remember a interesting metal gate and the sound that it made, wood floors that creaked, I can remember wo ......
Life feels right when we are back to basics
A long time ago, before modern cars, airplanes, computers, telephones, and gadgets that will do most anything, there were dirt roads, wagons, small communities, and most often extended family somewhere close by to help one another. There were people sitting on their porches waving to one another or visiting with each other. Many could tell the weather patterns because they noticed nature and clouds and knew much more about many things that had to do with nature because they spent more time in nature. Even though we live in the city, we are doing our best to live more like the past because it feels right. These two pies are the mulberry pies that I was ta ......
Never Stop Learning
The past several years when our children (adults) can get together at the same time, we have everyone to bring their pets and we do our family pictures and of course our pet picture. I am suppose to be the pet whisper in the group that gets them all to stay on the porch and lined up. It did take a few tries as each one at some point decides to jump off the porch.They are all getting old now as you can see and sadly we all agreed that next years picture may look somewhat different. Our Katherine is the one laying down and the one that needs the pet ramp since she cannot get up the steps anymore. Katherine and her brother Frank second from the left have lost their h ......
Clean the Clutter
If you have been reading my blog for awhile you may know that Charles mother passed away and we have been working our way through her household items. It is only Charles and I to do this and it has been a mountain to climb in more ways than you can imagine, or maybe you can imagine because you have done this before.We started a new history study, the year 1917. The workload we are having to do to empty Madge's house and the many repairs has been quite difficult. The history study will not be abandoned because I am looking forward to this study. Clearing Madge's house is quite a lesson in many ways. It is showing me that we have cutter in our home that I have not se ......
March Already and Ramblings
The daffodil's are blooming and where Charles and I live, this means spring even though it is not spring as of yet.Since my last post, we have gone through another large load of items to go through. I have been washing and separating items to be donated. I have noticed all of the eras that Madge lived through by the items in her house.It is very difficult and sad to go through another's belongings.It has been easy to see the era of the long black gloves worn for special occasions.The difference in how things were made long ago and the quality is very obvious.I remember my dress gloves that I wore when we went to town to shop.The embellishment's were so beautiful long ago.I have tr ......
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