Picture above is our main table here at home in our dining area, it seats six people. I just changed out the table cloths on each of the three tables today. We have another table in our living room (above) and sometimes we eat meals here but it is used more for our popcorn nights. We do planning, budgeting and journaling here at this table and it also makes a good game table. It is a nice size for dominos and board games. This table sits two to four. A difference in our home verses other homes is we have tables instead of sofas. We do have a loveseat, two rockers three occasional chairs and one wingback. This is a smaller drop leaf table, also ......
But what time? It is beautiful up at the tiny house we call Myrtle. We are still nine weeks away from winter (Winter is December 21) and we are already dipping to just above freezing for our low temperatures. We are having a cold fall but bounce back to the 80s after a near freeze and then cold again. Charles and I have been pushing our bodies to finish Myrtle, we need to be able to stay there and not have to drive back and forth so much. It has been too much gasoline and wear on the car. We do have electricity at our Myrtle but hope to get set up to be as off grid as we can be so we do not generate a lot of usage. We are keeping tra ......
The glimpses of things I see as we travel from home to Myrtles have been bringing up memories of home long ago. Had I known what I know now I would have driven my mother to these places and parked the car to sit to see if it would help her day. My mother had dementia and I cared for her many years and watched the terrible disease take her from me and herself. I now wonder if I had driven her to somewhere that looked familiar in her past would that have allowed her to have an enjoyable conversation if only for a short while.Leaving the city and driving out to the rural areas make me happy and it also makes me sad because I miss my family that are gone but I miss how it ......
I have been posting lately about our project of working on an old wood shop to have a place to stay so we can be closer by to help a family member that lives an hour away. Long ago different members of Charles's family purchased some wooded land around a lake. This was during the time that Jim Walter's homes were popular. Jim Walter started a business around 1946 and would build the shell of a wooden home so the owner could do the finishing. The only requirement was the customer had to own land. When lots and land were a decent price, Charles's family got together and decided to purchase lots, his parents, Aunt and Uncle, Cousins, and Charles ......
When I was a thirteen-year-old city girl, I thought that I knew a lot about living the old way because of being around my family that lived in Mississippi. But then my mother and I moved to south Alabama, and that is when I felt I had really gone back in time. Since I am now considered living long ago, back in time to me was really back in time. :)We moved to a small rural town in west Covington County. There was electricity in the house that we moved in and it had running water because we lived in a small town that had water. But many people lived outside of town and did not have electricity, and their homes were not wired for electricity or plumbing. ......
I am starting a new section of my blog today. It is called Back to the Old Well. Toting water from a well was part of the old way and I am thankful that I experienced that in my life.Charles and I are starting new adventures. We will be part-time living the very old way going back to toting water to use for washing dishes, cooking, and bathing as soon as we finish the old transformation of the old workshop that will be turned into a tiny home. This tiny home that we are working on I talked about in my last post under Living Like the Past. We are still currently doing our history project of 1943 but I got off track posting about that due to some health issue ......

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