We continue this weeks reading of Lil and Bob and Lena and her son Richard. If you missed last weeks readings, I accidentally left it in my draft and did not publish it to my blog. So there are two readings this week, just look back two posts and you will find it there.The diary of Lil and Bob Friday, August 13, 1943. Cool wind - done the 2 weeks washing - Bob home 1:15 kid gang in front yard all day. Saturday, August 14. Somewhat cloudy & a cold wind - Up town to shop & to Sonoma as Bob left his purse thing in overall pocket. Sunday, August 15. Cool day, very busy Pruned Monteray Pine, then to white creamery for dinner then Bob cut lawns.Monday, ......
I want to share a bit more about how we do things with our history projects. My intentions with these studies is to learn about the strengths of our generations before us and what was home. What did home really look like and feel like. When I am reading the old newspapers I often fine offensive articles full of prejudice words against race and there are quite often articles that I can clearly see that are written for the purpose to direct people to live a certain way. But then there is evidence that many women do not pay any attention to these things that are written in the newspaper. There are not a lot of photos from long ago showing the inside the home because cameras ......
There is much to do most all year around here at our small place but spring is especially busy. Since our 2019 history project is to study the years 1900 to 1939 concentrating on the great depression, we have had much reading to do. It has been more difficult to live in today's technology world and study and try to resemble the 1930's than it was the 1940's. I am not sure why other than this study is so much deeper. We are trying to live as an adult in 1930's so we had to study much further back to understand the things an adult has gone through to get to the 1930s. This years study has far exceeded what we thought we could learn. I am hoping when we get to the end of the year we can s ......
We now continue the diary of Theodore and Nellie. Theodore is the writer of this dairy and we started in January and have read January, February and March, 1905. Now we continue with April.You can find the January, February and March in the diary section on my blog in the upper right side that say's Donna's Diary Posts. Saturday April 1, 1905We gathered and boiled this P.M. Sap runs good today.Sunday April 2It was a fine day. Allie stayed here last night. We all went to S.S. Bro Miller preached. We met at Mr Sanford and talked about paying the ministers Deaded to give Mr. M. $50. and Mr Carm and Williams $2.00 a trip. Miller 17 times Carm 9 Williams 3.00Monday April 3We gathered a ......
We return to the diary of Lena a school teacher that writes mostly about her activities after school and some about her school activities. Lena has a very busy life. You can go back to the Diary of Lena, a school teacher January through March to find more about Lena or to catch up if you have not read that post. I try my best to understand what Lena is writing but it is difficult so I am sure there are some mistakes. If you find something that needs changing please send me an email. She abbreviates quite a bit due to lack of space in her diary.It is amazing to me to read such a busy diary from the year of 1927. This was the last page we read in the last posting of Lena so this page is a ......
We continue the diary of Theodore and Nellie, son Gene and daughter Eva. Gene is married and lives close by in another house. The family information is in the January post. I will link it here. There is a short post above the diary for January.January https://gdonna.com/living-like-the-past/how-do-we...February https://gdonna.com/living-like-the-past/new-diary/Theodore is writing this diaryFebruary 28th Aunt Jane was 85 years old Feb 5th. Gene drew stone today. I did chores, split wood and Nell and I went up to Dan's. Aunt Jane is sick, don't believe she will get up. J D Lewis was here and I ordered 10# Wellington late potatoes and 5 bushels T.C. oats H E recommends sowing n ......
Getting started on so many diaries may seem confusing but as we start learning who they are and their routines we will be learning history in a different way. These are real diaries, very old and rare. Theodore our farmer, rock hauler, wood hauler married to Nellie living in 1905. They live in Potsdam New York. They travel by horse and wagon and buggy.Albert and Gladys the couple that writes down all their expenses in a journal during the great depression. The year 1932. They live in ArizonaPhoebe that keeps a diary and lives in a larger duplex type house in the city in 1939 in Pennsylvania. The Griffiths are her neighbors in the adjoining house. Edith that lives in a small town as ......
I am hoping this will be easier to read the way I have done the diary this time. This is the diary of Theodore and Nellie 1905 that we read last month, the month of January. If you missed January it is at the bottom of this post linked here. http://gdonna.com/living-like-the-past/how-do-we-f...Now to Theodore, February 1, 1905Family, Theodore (writing diary) wife Nellie, daughter Eva, son Gene and his wife Lila and baby Lucille. They drive horses and wagon also have buggy. When Theodore says they drew stone, it is my understanding that he is meaning drove or carried. Imagine hitching the team of horses and wagon loaded with stone or wood and drew (drove/ car ......
So how are we meshing with Now and the Past? The more I research the more I try to resemble how they did things but it is difficult when today looks different.We are a blend of today and yesteryear but I am taking the important things that will help the budget, our health and the things that make more sense to make changes to our home.We have eliminated processed snacks and make homemade but that started when we started the 1940's study. We are human and get off track occasionally but now we are more focused and diligent in what and how we do things.In the 1940's study we made big changes and honestly we started wondering if we would find anything else in ways of saving and l ......

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