About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

Donna's Diary Posts

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Starting Over
As we go through life it seems we keep starting over. From the time we are babies and we start taking our first steps we fall down then get up, balance ourselves and start over.That is the good part of life, we can simply start over. Sometimes it takes us a long time to get motivated but when we do it can be very rewarding.Starting over to me can be giving the house a good cleaning, moving things around and making a change. Sometimes we need a change.Starting over can mean starting a budget and put our finances in order. It does not matter if it is the first of the year or the middle of the year, it means today. Why not start today? Today is always a good day to start over.I started ov ......
Sealing Jars
I have had several people to ask me how I air seal our jars. This is our air sealer>I connect a cap and hose to the machine.I have a Food Saver. There are different models and ours came with two canisters that you can air seal. It did not come with a jar cap. I ordered our jar cap from Pleasant Hill Grain several years ago.I simply connect to a port...Set it to vacuum and Seal...connect the other ind to the cap. This is the bottom of the cap...I place the canning lid without the band to the jar....Center the canning lidPlace the jar sealer cap over the top of the jar and canning lid...On my unit I press this part down to turn it on and the vacuum starts.It makes a very tight seal so ......
What I have been doing while it is cold outside
Yes it is winter at our house and this old lady does not do well with the cold so we will go back inside.I tried out a new small scrub board I got for Christmas. They sell them on Amazon and it is very small but sturdy. Good for scrubbing socks and small things.I boiled an old work towel of my husbands. I figured it was a good time to answer a question why did people stand and stir clothes in a boiling pot.My only answer for this question comes from what I have observed from boiling cloth goods. First of all if you boil rags on your stove be very careful. Make sure there are no children or pets in the kitchen because it will splash out very easy.Boiling clothes will get out some stains that ......
Eye Clutter
Each morning Monday through Friday, I help to get my husband off to work. I fill his thermos with warm water, pack his lunch and he will collect his things such as the work tablet, his reading glasses, keys etc. We place them on the couch close to the door so he can load up his arms and head out to the car.Then I get my case of eye clutter. You may have heard the expression eye candy, that is something appealing to look at. Well I get eye clutter and that is all the little things out of place or items that have never quite fit in a place. Then there are those items that never have had a place because it requires us to move something to put it in it's place then everything in the ......
Are We a Visitor in our Own Home?
Living a simple life is not for everyone but I am not sure I understand why it is not.I can say that I am satisfied in our small space on this earth in our modest home. I hope that I can continue with good health to use the items in our home such as the stove to have something simmering for our meals and the sink to wash our dishes. I enjoy dressing the table with cloth's and placing assorted dishes to serve our meals. I use the rocking chair to sit and hand stitch or knit, the reading chair to study and learn. Our bed is always inviting as we pull back the sheets and blankets that had been properly straightened and tucked each morning after waking. Winter is our season right now ......
Life at our house the old way
Since I have this blog people are curious how do we live old fashioned in this day and time.To answer some readers questions I will just start here.I get up between 4:00 AM and 4:30 AM most every day. Normally I get up at 4:00. Why? My husband is still working and he goes to work early but even if he did not I would get up this early because truly it just takes a full days work to keep house properly.Doing things the old way takes longer but it seems that details do not get overlooked as they do when using all the gadgets we have today. I get up in the morning, wash up, brush my teeth and then go into the kitchen and put on the water kettle then the coffee pot.We use a water kettle beca ......
Looking forward to a New Year
I decided to go with our vintage good china for the Christmas Meal but set it informal.Homemade yellow cake with boiled chocolate frosting.Homemade rolls..Squash Casserole.For those that were wondering if they had turkey for Christmas in 1943, yes they did. This is an ad from December 1943.I got busy and never took pictures of the carrot salad, chicken or mashed potatoes and gravy, cabbage, cornbread and cranberry sauce. In our family we only buy gifts for the children. Our meal is a bit of a Christmas present to ourselves. Being together and remembering why we celebrate Christmas is what is important to us.I will post a recipe for the chocolate cake and the squash casserole, the other ......
It is almost Christmas 1943 at our house
Merry Christmas Everyone!There is a lot to do now that it is two days before Christmas. Yesterday I moved the dinning room table and chairs out and gave the floor a good scrubbing.I put on a coat of wax to make it shine...I am trying to figure out if I want to mix or match the table setting this year. We have mismatched dishes because I just love old dishes because they remind me of the past and family.This is my very favorite dish of all the dishes we have.These are very pretty too, I have two of these.But then there is the china from long ago and which we used even when I was a child. My mother passed it down to me and I passed it down to my daughter then due to the boys in the house it ......
After the meat market
Before going to the grocery store or the meat market I eat a bite of something so I will not be hungry when shopping because if I am I will wander off my shopping list. This is a slice of banana bread that I am eating.So this day we went to the meat market and I want to show you what we do when we get home.We open the package of meat and divide it into equal parts.We use a small scale to get an idea of how much we want to put in each package. place it on to wax paper or natural wax paper as I have here...Flatten it out so it will thaw much faster... This is not a hamburger patty. This is seven ounces of ground meat that we will use to make supper. We may use this for a no named di ......
Behind the scenes part two
These are just random pictures from around the house...I made a crochet hook bag...This is it rolled closed..I watched a gecko battle take place, they actually had a fight and chomped on each other...Another chair I designed and painted. It would have not been made without the help of my husband and his skilled wood work.The Horton Mill Bridge...A winter ice storm....It was very pretty and also very dangerous....Our Johnson Bros dinnerware...The babies and grandbabies in the storm closet due to a severe weather alert.Our Shabby Cabby Camper...The girls love hanging out in the Shabby Cabby...My husbands treadle saw...Pinching off the lower tomato leaves so I can plant the tomato deep in the d ......
Behind the scenes Part One
I decided to post pictures that I have not used and some I have used to post a look back.A pretty Cardinal before going to the birdbath.Some July Herbs....A basket of cilantro....A table that I designed and my husband built, then I did the artwork. It is just a hobby.Bootsy (left) Bell (right) hanging out in the windows in their travel cages.A vintage car on the side of the road....Fresh bread in the oven...A light dessert. Dark Chocolate, strawberries, bananas and yogurt.Bell Eating Boiled egg, she loves eggs.A put together cabinet with an old window and lumber that my husband built and I painted.Just a small flower I painted on the floor..Laundry on a sunny day...Skittles....Poached eggs.. ......
Random Thoughts
I know my posts have been coming slowly, I am trying to balance out doing our one year 1943 history project and posting on my website. Of course we all know that home computers were not around during that time.We can only simulate what we can of how people lived during 1943. At this time I am thinking about all our changes since our project and how we will continue to do many things from the 1940s after our history project is over because we feel better living like this.While I was recouping from a flu like illness I had a lot of time to think. My husband took this picture because it is a rare thing for me to be in the bed during the daylight hours. This is Katherine laying beside me enjoyin ......
Vintage in the Kitchen
The other day I got out the meat grinder to grind some beef to make a casserole for supper.After I ground the beef I thought about the vintage items that are in the kitchen that have been around for a very long time.This can opener has been around since the early 1950s and is the best can opener compared to anything made today in my opinion.This rolling pin and corn creamer are great kitchen items.The old colander and hand mixer. These items were made to last.Cast iron skillets are used around our house all the time. We don't fry things much anymore but we use these to make biscuits and cobblers, pancakes and we put our bacon in the pan and put the pan in the oven. It seems to cook better th ......
Early December
We are now five months into our history project living like 1943. We are quite comfortable when you consider 1943 verses 2015 almost 2016. We may continue to live like 1943 when the experiment is over, more on that later....Winter is near and much cooler weather has set in. The sun is staying further away from my clothesline and the daylight hours are much shorter. I have this feeling that things will be getting quite interesting at the clothesline.I have been washing the table runners and doilies and unpacking the Christmas items. More on that later too....I have been doing an experiment with a organic and non organic sweet potato. I am guessing here you can tell the organic is on the right ......
Tis the Season For a Good Book
A good book for when you are resting from all that cooking and getting the house ready for the holidays.Since we have been living our 1943 one year history project I have finally learned to settle my brain down so I can read a book. I have never in my life been able to concentrate to read a book until now. My new book is called A Basket Brigade Christmas by Judith Miller, Nancy Moser and Stephanie Grace Whitson.It is Inspired by the true story of the Basket Brigade Women of Decatur, Illinois.It is when the country was embroiled in civil war and the year was 1862.There has been much to do around the house and we just finished with Thanksgiving and moving on to the Christmas season. ......
The Pantry
Keeping a well stocked pantry is one thing, using that food before it goes out of date or spoils is what must be kept balanced when keeping a stocked pantry.I removed the old pantry post because it was almost six years old and a lot has changed in the last six years. Mostly learning more about what is in processed food.If you don't have a pantry you can convert a closet into a pantry.My goal with our pantry is to have the basic ingredients to make the basic foods that we eat.There may be times when we need our pantry to carry us through.I believe in food storage but only the amount we can keep rotated properly and not have food to go bad. I would like to say that getting our pantry to the st ......
How to use an oil lamp with update
I believe that we should always be prepared the best we can to take care of ourselves and to not be completely dependent of modern conveniences. If not, we could be miserable for an extended time.This post is about oil lamps. We have oil lamps throughout our house and when we have a power outage we simply light up our rooms by lighting our oil lamps and we simply continue on without a lot of issues. There is a bit more to keeping an oil lamp than just letting it sit around.It is best to get to know your lamps. You can purchase these in many places and if you like to go to thrift shops they often have them for a small amount of money.It is very important to shape the wick otherwise it wi ......
The Little White House
The other day my husband and I went to the butcher to purchase our meat. It is a short drive outside our town and my husband knows how much I love the drive because it refreshes me. He took the side roads so I could snap some pictures. It seems that it strengthens me when I can visually refuel where my heart remains so wanting. As we go through life we lean and absorb knowledge from others and it seems to me that I learned the most from those that farmed or those that were more settled than me. They may have thought I was not paying attention but I was. Most of my life I have been a very busy person and by that I mean I do not sit down much and when I am sitting I am still doing something. I ......
It is Fall 1943 at our house
Just to explain the title, we are four months in to a history project living like ww2, 1943 for one year. There are many posts about this under living like the past.This month we have had to reduce our butter use even more than before due to the increased ration points on butter. When we started our history project butter was 8 points and then in October it went up to 16 points. We know this because we are following the 1943 newspaper. We try to eat food that does not call for butter but now and then we have a small pat of butter. We are now cutting out the yolk of the eggs to lower our cholesterol, not due to rationing.I am still hanging all of our laundry and absolutely love a windy day an ......
Fall Chores
My husband and I have certain chores to be done with each season. Fall and Spring means cleaning windows and washing blinds.We start with a bucket, a bar of soap, a water hose and really old shoes and a ladder.Unlock the windows, remove the screens and wet down the windows.We use a brush on a pole as well as a rag and scrubber.We clean our shutters at the same time and make sure to rinse the soap off the windows really well so it does not spot. We wash the screen too.We have a place that we wash our blinds. We use a part of our privacy fence.We hang the blinds on two screws.Just a simple way to hang them...Wet them down with the water hose....Scrub both sides...Rinse real good...We hang them ......
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