About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Diary Reading October 22 - 28, 1943

October 20, 2022

We continue our 1943 Diary Readings from two diaries, Lil and Bob and Lena and her son Richard.

To read starting January 1st look in the menu Living Like the Past and scroll down to January 1st 2022 and you will find the beginning of this years diary readings.

We are starting with Lil and Bob's Diary.

Friday October 22, 1943.  Fine day - Cleaned our sleeping room bath & hall worked Nuco - Bob had Car Serviced - Mrs. Pettygrew in P.M.

Saturday October 23, 1943.  Nice day, Baked Cookies & usual Saturday. housework - Bob home at 1-15.

Sunday, October 24.  Cloudy but no rain  Bob up for the Chronicle.  Mowed all lawns - the Marshalls all here all P.M.

Monday, October 25. Nice warm day - wrote Helen & Up Town to Shop - A letter from Kate - Bruce -

Tuesday, October 26. Showers Most of the day - Baked beans & boiled ham  Done some sewing  Bob home early.

Wednesday, October 27. A couple of showers - Strained & canned fat for market  Bob home at 1:15

Thursday, October 28.  Fine day - Done the washing - Ruth over in P.M.  Emma home from Hospital.  Letter from Helen.

End of this weeks diary reading of Lil and Bob.  Now on to Lena's Diary.

Continuing the diary of Lena and her son Richard.

Friday, October 22, 1943.  Did Richards washing and washed the little braided cotton rug in the bathroom then made molasses cookies put the in my cookie pan by spreading the dough over the bottom very thin.  First time I've made anything I believe since I got back.  Some day I'll make a pie of course I've made puddings.  went over street and did quite a bit of shopping.  Had a card from Mrs. Denison she is going to Morton's and wonder if Ill se her before she goes back.  Hope so. 

Saturday, October 23.  This is a little warmer but is chilly and damp  I took for my job today washing up the kitchen linoleum on my knees and waxing where it was the worse in wear.   Baked Beans, some seed beans I had left and a few other ones with them.  They were alright and I enjoyed them for my supper.  Went down to Public Market and got Round steak and a little liner for the eat and over to the a. & P.  and got 3 big grapefruit 24 cents. 

Sunday, October 24.  Just staid home and rested somehow felt tired.  Expected Lena Whitcomb but didn't appear and I wrote letters.  

Monday, October 25. Still felt tired but got up and did the washing and later Pearl appeared and we went over street no cheese to be seen. I do hope they will have some soon as Id like to send some to Geneva and Richard misses it so much.  Must try and get some if possible.

Tuesday, October 26.  Sprinkled the clothes then went out to find something for dinner.  Went to Public Market and got a lb. of liver & 1/2 pkg of dried beef.  Got a 1/2 lb of the plain Canadian cheese pkg and a cabbage  I plan to chop and eat as salad.  Also 3 more grape fruit .24 cents. 

Wednesday, October 27.  This has been a dark stormy day but sewed a little and Pearl came before I had washed the dishes but Id been reading the paper etc.  She seemed tired just the way I felt and guess it was the day it was dark all the a.m. 

Thursday, October 28.  Went out Twice today.  This morning went over to W. Leb and got some fish after making coffee ice-cream then after dinner went p to the high school and got # 4 ration books and went up to the a & P and got a 2 lb box of velveteen cheese got home 3.15 and washed the dishes.  Pearl came in and I didn't do much else.  Made an appointment with Edna Pope for Next Monday at 8 a.m. so will need to get  up early.

End of this weeks diary reading, see you back next week.  Grandma Donna

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