About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Diary Readings October 29 - November 4, 1943

October 27, 2022

We continue the 1943 Diary Readings of Lil and Bob and Lena and her son Richard.

We start with Lil and Bob.

Friday, October 29, 1943.  Nice Day - Done the ironing and mending - Called on Emma - Bob burned garbage over - Storm Sewer-

Saturday, October 30.  Fine day - "All Halloween" Made a pudding cleaned living room dressed 2 roosters- Bobs up town to shop - Took Marjorie & Jackie to party.

Sunday, October 31.  Nice day - Bob walked up for a Chronicle - Cut the lawns Had Chicken for dinner - Ruth brought us a live bass.

Monday, November 1.  Frost last night Nice day - Bob home late for dinner stoped up Town to shop for Richard.

Tuesday, November 2.  Hard frost - fine day usual routine, done a bit of sewing.

Wednesday, November 3. Very fine & warm cared for Nancy in a.m. - called on Emma & also Mrs. Cochrane in P.M.

Thursday, November 4.  Fine day - Baked a bass for dinner - Up Town with Bob. he to Barber for a hair cut - me to shop.

End of Lil's diary for this week. Now on to see what Lena and Richard are doing.

Continuing Lena's Diary.

Friday, October 29, 1943.  This is a rainy day or I should say damp and cloudy this a.m.  but I did a little washing and canned 10 pts carrots  Richard went to Windsor so made a bluff of dinner as he might come home.   Must call up Mrs. Lang as she might expect me to go to Harmons Tuesday and have been changed to Thursday Nov. 4 at 3:30.  

Saturday, October 30.  Did some cleaning up rugs and dry mopped.  Ironed Richards clothes and fixed the bottom of the legs.  Went over street and did some shopping white karo and I found it was good in cranberry sauce to help out the sugar. Cut up the chicken I got  yesterday and browned it in the iron spider then covered it with milk and put it in the oven.  Rolled it in flour and used crisco to fry it in. 

Sunday, October 31.  Had the chicken but Richard was sick at dinner but called for some at supper.  Mrs. Clark and Lena called this P.M. and had a nice visit.  This is a chilly day and cloudy & gloomy.  I didn't do much but read what little paper we have.  The Globe is a very small paper  The adv. seem to be left out.

Monday, November 1.  This was a cold morning a frost but I didn't think to look.  Went to see Mrs. Pope but she had burned her arm very badly so Ill wait another week   Met her on the street this P.M. and she thot she could work Sat. but I thot Id rather wait til Monday.  I took the little Jeep (her rolling shopping cart) and went to the A&P and got sugar & grape fruit white karo and coffee 2 loaves of bread and perhaps some more and it came home easy I just walked right along.  

Tuesday, November 2.  Did part of the ironing.  Felt my days work yesterday or any way didn't feel very husky.  Looked up a little sewing but it was quite dark to do much.  These are our shortest days dark morning and night but the days will soon grow a bit longer and in hopes I shall accomplish a little more  I have planned a plenty Id like to do.  

Wednesday, November 3.  Finished the ironing and went to Public Market and got Richard a piece of tenderloin steak..  He feels better, has had a Summer complaint or sort of epidemic.  He doesn't seem to have much appetite.  Id like to see him eat more.  A new moon yesterday and they call it a wet Moon we will see.   Sun shone this forenoon part of the time but has been cloudy and dull.  Sleepy weather.

Thursday, November 4.  Didn't do much today  Had an appointment at the hospital at 3:30 this P.M.  Mrs. Land called about 3 and we got there at 3:15  Didn't have much to do just had the bandage removed and some instructions and prescription for a lotion have to wear an elastic bandage and the skin is pretty thin.  Hope it will finaly be cured.  

End of this weeks diary readings, see you next week.  :)  Grandma Donna

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