About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Life feels right when we are back to basics

April 27, 2024

A long time ago, before modern cars, airplanes, computers, telephones, and gadgets that will do most anything, there were dirt roads, wagons, small communities, and most often extended family somewhere close by to help one another.  There were people sitting on their porches waving to one another or visiting with each other.  Many could tell the weather patterns because they noticed nature and clouds and knew much more about many things that had to do with nature because they spent more time in nature. 

Even though we live in the city, we are doing our best to live more like the past because it feels right.  

These two pies are the mulberry pies that I was talking about in another post. I made the crust with only flour, butter and water. 

I made two pies, one for us and one to share.

April is an exciting time for us because it is mulberry season at our house. We have somewhat a battle with the birds to get enough mulberries to make our pies.

We understand why our parents and grandparents were always so excited certain times of the year when it was harvest time for certain types of food. Growing up I did not really understand this, it was more of a chore time to me but now I completely understand.

Bath soap and laundry bar soap.  

It feels good to have us looking somewhat similar to where we were a few years ago.  We are not fully there and we have added a few new things such as some hand stitched and embordered quilts from Madge's heirlooms. 

My daughter gave me a new washbowl and pitcher.  We actually use our washbowls here at our home when we are doing our history studies and also when we have company staying over to keep the bathroom open for our guests. When everything is going good and we are using our vintage items life just feels right.  

We don't decorate our home with antiques just to look at, we enjoy using them.  This week I am back to sewing again working on curtains. I am sewing new spring and summer curtains.

On our porch, a pair of wrens decided to make a nest in the Christmas Cactus. We had to slide it back closer to the house because the cactus was out where the rain run off of the house would hit it.  We slid it back in a alcove next to the porch and they still came back to the nest so we were relieved.  Normally the wrens around here do not make a nest this low to the ground.  

We think there are five eggs, the nest is very deep and to water the cactus I will have to be very careful to not water heavy for the next month or so.  About two weeks for the eggs to hatch and about two weeks for the babies to fledge.

Another peek with a flashlight while mama was off the nest.  We will leave it alone now.

We have reached the time in spring where we changed back to our cotton chenille spread which will be cooler for the summer.  Time is going by so fast that it seems that it has not been that long that we had put the winter spread on.

We cleaned out from under the kitchen sink and put down new shelf paper this past week.

A tasty meal of loaded baked potato and salad. 

Another of chicken, rice and gravy and brussels sprouts.

Our 1917 study has shown similar news when we did the study of ww2 rations.  There were rations during ww1 and the year of 1917.  

I decided to make a spelt dough for tortillas. 

They turned out good but not as soft as they are with all purpose flour.  We made quesadillas with these five tortillas.

The spring flowers are now in bloom.

The fabric that I am going to use for the curtains will all have small print.

The smaller the prints the better I like it.

This is some lace that has been put away for many years that I will use with some of the curtains.  I will take pictures when I am finished. 

I hope that you all had a good week, pop in the forum to talk about what you have been up to doing, we would love to know.

Grandma Donna

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