About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

Donna's Diary Posts

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Popping in for an update
I have not had much time to sit at the computer to do a post. Actually, I had to dust off the computer and it seems strange to sit here.I do not have a lot of pictures as I usually do to tell what has been going on.I had the pacemaker surgery and everything was going well but then I had an event that put me back in the hospital. It had to do with my heart and some fatigue issues that had gotten very bad.These are our small railroad plates, I thought I would show you with my hand. They are oval and when I take pictures on them it looks like more food than there actually is. Like this. :)Well back to the story. If you have read my blog for awhile, you wi ......
Thank you for the Prayers
This is Grandma Donna, I am writing a short post to let you know that I have had my surgery and everything is going well. I am home from the hospital, the nurses and doctors were all so nice and caring but I am glad to sleep in our bed now.The changing of the 32 year old leads was too risky for me at this time per my doctor, he made it clear that there may be another surgery at some time for this but for now the old pacemaker is out and the new pacemaker is in. I feel these old leads are going to be okay to keep me ticking. I will be on sponge baths for eight days, then the bandage can come off. They do not know that I am the vintage, history buff lady that has a w ......
Calm the home
I have been away from my blog for nineteen days from today. It took me at least ten of those days to figure out how to not blog and just be. It has been like going back home peeling away technology. I have found that I can use technology if I use it as a good book, not as something that is chained to me. As long as I am learning from it in a balanced away and not wasting my life scrolling. I have been in and out of the garden. This past week the temperatures have gotten very hot and dry. I have planted only things that can manage without much care and water duties which Charles will be taking over for me soon.I have once again straightened o ......
The Pound Cake and the Garden
I have been enjoying my time off from blogging, getting my home ready before my surgery and resting my brain from electronics. I knew that I was feeling pressures from electronics but did not realize how consuming electronics have become and how they have slowed down getting things done in my home and robbed me of mental clarity.I feel that the internet has cause many of us to be addicted and that is what the electronic industry wants us to be. We need to relearn how to be present. When we do find something of interest on the internet, read it like a book when there is time after chores and meals are done. Stepping away from the computer and ......
Our purpose
What is our purpose?For the first 13 years of my life, I lived in the city of Memphis Tennessee. I understood rural living because when visiting my mothers side of the family we would drive to the Mississippi delta. When we moved to Alabama, I was thirteen and that was the beginning of my knowledge how families farmed the old way, the simple way of farming and raising a family from your farm. Raising your animals, growing your food and living with very little money. I made friends with the most wonderful people that eventually would become my in-laws. They raised nine children on a small farm without electricity and running water, my mother in law sewed quilts an ......
Diary of Sarah, May 8 -14 1932
We continue the reading of Sarah's 1932 diary. Sunday, May 8, 1932. Some clouds and some sunshine, altogether a good day. Had the usual necessary tasks outdoors and inside. Made preparation and attended Church and S.S. services at both of which, special tribute was paid to the mothers - this being Mother's Day. Home for dinner. Looked after the chickens and then Lay down and took a good nap. Father & I were alone today. I was quite well remembered by the children. Ernest, Vera & Jimmie here this evening. 10:30.Monday, May 9. Cloudy a good part of the day but, a good breeze astir this P.M. Had the usual morning tasks indoo ......
 Unassuming Nature
There is something very missed today, many of us feel it, some never have because they have not been exposed to this because it is becoming rare. It is not too late because all we have to do is become what is needed.This person was unassuming, modest, polite, pleasant. Did not wish for attention and quietly went on with work without any want for attention. This person was settled, pleasant, humble and there was such comfort that I had a desire to resemble this unassuming person. In my past of long ago I could describe many people that were unassuming and gentle, one would have been my Aunt Ruth. I have mentioned her before in my posts. Aunt R ......
Diary of Sarah, May 1 - 7, 1932
We continue our readings from Sarah's diary. Today's diary starts the beginning of the month of May.Sunday, May 1, 1932. May the 1st and it takes a fire in the stove to make one comfortable. Had the usual morning tasks & then worked for quite a while with the chickies. Made preparations and attended the church & S.S. services. Home and prepared dinner. Harry, Polly & family here for dinner and the afternoon. Usual evening tasks to see to, tired and sleepy.Monday, May 2, 1932. A find bright day with a good stiff breeze astir. Had the usual early morning tasks, saw to the young chickens and then got busy with the washing for both ......
Planting the seed
We can plant a seed and watch it grow into a beautiful flower, vegetable, fruit. With the extra long grayness this winter and spring the flowers are so very welcome. I did some research to find a type of lavender that would grow in our climate because the lavender I planted in the past struggled to grow. The only lavender I have grown before was from starts so I decided to try and grow lavender from seed and I chose Oregano lavender and a Torch Blue Lavender seeds. The center of this photo inside the wire is lavender. Five of the seeds germinated and have been growing ever since. I hope they will do well.We have cages that we grow lettuce, celery and ......
The Diary of Sarah April 24 - 30, 1932
Sunday, April 24, 1932. Dull, dark, cloudy and rainy with one good shower this P.M. Had the usual necessary morning tasks to see to and the young Chickies to care for. Made preparation and with Joseph and his family, attended church and S.S. services. (Father did not feel like going.) Got back for noon about 11:45. Saw to the chickies, served dinner &did some reading. Then Father & I and Joseph & Family all motored to Franklin & Carlisle visiting with Willard & wife & Miles and home for evening tasks. Ernest, V & Jimmie here this evening.Monday, April 25. Somewhat rainy, dull & cloudy this A.M. early but things cleared up soon. Had the usual mo ......
Start At Home
The squirrels understand, they are wise, they know how and what to do. They forage for food, when it storms they stretch their body upside down on a tree and cover themselves with their tail. One year we had a storm and Charles was cutting up limbs that had fallen. He brought in and showed me this limb that he had cut into and found that a squirrel had stored acorns inside this tree. This was a squirrels pantry and was storing nuts for the winter season. Charles sliced off a piece of this extraordinary find and we preserved this to use as a reminder to always store extra food.Birds are truly amazing and have brilliant minds and abilities. Just look at a ......
The Diary of Sarah April 17 - 23 1932
Sunday, April 17. A fine bright, beautiful day, though still chilly. Had the usual morning tasks and then attended to the baby chicks. Dressed and went to the Sunday services. Prof. Alfred Watkins and the Boys Chorus of Lebanon Hi School gave a program of sacred music, occupying the house for regular preaching service. All enjoyed it fully. S.S. followed. Then we drove home and looked after the poultry & got Sherley and the little boys & all drove to Harry's for dinner. Home for evening tasks. Ernest here this evening. Monday, April 18. A beautiful, bright day. Though still cold. Did not feel able to wash on account of my ......
Springtime and Home
The seasons offer us many opportunities if we only pay attention. Late winter and spring is a time that wakens the resting plants and brings on blooms and this is our signal that we are getting to planting time. Summer brings on heat that certain fruits and vegetables need or they will not grow. Fall signals us with beautiful golden and orange colors that it is time to finish the harvest so that we are prepared for winter. Winter is time to nourish ourselves from our pantry with the vegetables, fruit and meat that we put away during the other three seasons. It is time to clean and repair our tools, to mend and work on those projects that make our home t ......
The Diary of Sarah April 10 - 16, 1932
Sunday, April 10. Another, gloomy, dark, drizzling, rainy day, all through. Had the usual morning tasks to see to indoors and outside. Made preparation and attended church and S.S. service. Home for dinner. This P.m. father, Joseph & I made calls on the sick - Mr. & Mrs. Wysong and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Slagel and family, Mr & Mrs. Smith & family, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Singer. Home for evening tasks. Ernest, Vera, Jimmie here this evening. Monday, April 11. Still sizzling, sozzling, drizzling rain all this A.M. clearing this P.M. almost to brightness, anyhow to lightness. Decided to post pone the washing. Had the regular dail ......
Between the Storms
In between storms we have been working on projects in and around the house. The yard needed a major clean up and we have been making new garden beds.These are our yard work rockers. Inside I have been sewing curtains and doggie collars. The girls collars were very worn and I have been needing to take the time to sit down and make new ones. Here is Bernadette's new collar and as you can see the green one above was completely worn out. It lasted for several years. The large magnolia tree next door shares some of it's limbs and flowers on our side and I absolutely love them. I cannot wait until they are all open and the fragrance is wonderf ......
The Diary of Sarah March 27 - April 9, 1932
I started posting Sarah's diary on December 28, 1922. I took a little pause during some health issues but I am getting the diary postings back on track with this diary posting.In Sarah's writings she addresses her husband as Father. Many people did this in the past, when children address their father as Father often their mother will start addressing her husband as Father. Even though we have ended the great depression study and moved to living a simple old fashioned life, I want to finish this diary of Sarah because it is a great diary to learn how it was to work hard and live during the great depression years. Sarah and her husband live in Ohio. They have a ......
The Walking Flower
First off I would like to say that we are okay here where we live, storms have been very severe this past week in the southeast part of the country and they are continuing into this week. I took this picture yesterday as the storms had pushed away and the clouds were beautiful.I have continued to sort and organize and some things that were boxed up I am actually unboxing. Less stored and if it is not something that makes us happy then it goes away. I decided to lay out some doilies and things I have of my mother's and put them on top of the sewing machine which used to be her machine. She loved music boxes so these two music boxes bring me happiness. Her crystal pitch ......
Tuesday Post organizing and thrifting
I am winding down on my organizing. I hope to be finished by the end of this week and I should have the back guest room/sorting room finished as well. This has been a long project because I do many different types of hand work. The cleaning out of the old wood shop and storage building set us back because that required so much sorting. As soon as warmer weather gets here we spend a few days off and on at the Myrtle. Charles still visits Madge each Friday and takes her groceries. I was in and out to the clothesline yesterday and I had an interesting visitor.A hawk came for a visit here in the backyard. I went in and got my bigger lens for the cam ......
Peek Week Saturday
This was a busy day today. I finally cleaned the chandelier. I will take you along for the cleaning journey.It was so dirty! The floor dust probably did part of it but it has been overdue.So each round cup with crystals went into the bowl of shame to be washed.Then into the rinse...Ouuueeee... I love sparkly. See, this is just like everything it is just getting it started and then we are glad we did.I used a old art brush because I didn't want the glass to cut my fingers. Moving along...Now I have to get to the upper and lower crystals that are attached. Some fall off but I just put them back on when it is hanging.To get to these I just hold a bowl under them ......
Peek Week Friday
Getting the house put in better order is slow because many other things to do outside This is normal though, each of us is just one person. If our day is already busy it can be difficult to make room for something else to do and sometimes that requires putting something off until another day.This chair coordinates better in our bedroom since we put all brown furniture in the bedroom after the remodel. Our girls (our doggies) sleep in our room so they have a night time water bowl in the bedroom. We will see if using the portiere's at the doorways will help with cooling this summer. It helped this winter by directing the heat to the rooms that we were using or k ......
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