Life Does Not Have To Be Dull When my children were growing up I would tell them to be somebody’s sunshine. When they went through their grumpy teen years they disliked hearing this but I said it anyway. I tried my best to make life fun for them so they would have a good childhood. Then they grew up and had their own children and one day my daughter was trying to think of a way to make an occasion fun and she called me and said, Mom, you always made things fun. I continue on my life journey and I try to make even mundane chores fun. This is our washtub for the Shabby Cabby. It is a plain washtub that we purchased many years ago and I simply painted it and then put ......
The beginning story is under The Beginning of our camper called The Shabby Cabby. Now this page is three years later.............. We have continued to work on the old girl since we moved her to the back yard. We had a few minor leaks that we had to patch and we added a new air conditioner in the front. The kitchen has the basics with a cabinet underneath that holds groceries, a kettle for hot water and pots and pans. This is the new air conditioner and it is in the perfect place because it blows from the front to the back. We had put another one in the side of the camper but it would not cool and a pain to pull in for travel so after much thought this ......
This is Elizabeth and she loves our little vintage camper we call The Shabby Cabby And this is Katherine on the left and Elizabeth on the right and they think they are the owners of our little Vintage Camper. I will now show and tell you our story of our Shabby Cabby So here she sits after we pulled her in and parked her. My husband had been driving by this house for months that had this little camper and a sign on it that said For Sale One day he said, I want to take you to see something. So off we went and we fell in love with this little camper that had all these pretty windows. There was just this one problem, they had gutted the ......

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