About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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The Buttoned Pillow

February 11, 2025

I am having a difficult time writing lately with the unrest in our country. I like to do comfortable and sensible posts but my energy is sucked out of me right now with so much instability.  I have written and deleted post before ever sent because I fear someone will go off on me about something I say. I really should not care but I do.  

I will say that I love all of you wherever in the world that you live. I feel somehow, we are going to be ripped apart from one another. I feel that by now I should not have to explain what is happening for me to say this. We are supposed to love one another and care for one another and it seems that many have forgotten this.  

Charles and I are getting slower as we age, so things take longer but we still do the things we need to do when we can.

Right now we need to put up a privacy fence across our back yard for better safety.  We are slowly doing this board by board.  

This is the furthest back corner of our yard. It comes to a point and a road is immediately at our back fence.  An old chain link fence and this particular area due to the large tree is a small area of old wire.  

We have decided to build our privacy fence a couple of feet further away from the road area because our metal fence is almost at the curb.  This used to be a dirt road and the city paved the road and pressed in on our property making the distance from the curb to the fence very narrow. 

Every day we keep working down towards the house.  There is a slight slope in the property, this area is the highest so as we put up the boards we keep dropping down.  The most difficult part for Charles is digging the holes for the posts and tree roots.  I hold the cross boards but that is about all I can do because of my left arm. This is cedar wood for the fencing. 

I have not been feeling safe going in to our backyard ever since Charles was held up at gun point mowing the grass so this will be more settling. When we finish the privacy I hope that I won't feel as uneasy about going outside.  I stopped walking on my walking path and I miss doing that so now when it is private I will start walking again.  This year I will be planting more gladiolas around the yard and I will plant some around this part of the yard as well. 

We brought the washstand into the living area because we needed to put a chest of drawers in the area this washstand was.  We wanted to give drawer space for a family member for when she comes to stay with us occasionally. I really like it in this room, for some reason it feels more open. 

Charles is off this week, we are starting early in the day and trying to knock out some of this work we have to do.  I have been out in the garden planting and trying to find time to plant more seeds.  Last year I planted late and it was a disaster, it was too hot for the plants and everything in the garden burned up except some of the herbs. 

The winter garden has made me so happy, everything ended up doing well an the things that I thought were not going to make it recovered.

Our experimental collard greens are amazing.  We purchased from a grocer that buys greens from local gardens. We stripped the leaves and ate the collards leaving only the bottom root. The root sprouted and now has made new heads of collards. There are two more in another location. Some of these we will let go to seed and save the seeds to plant more. 

I planted the Cour di bue Cabbage out into the garden yesterday.  Also the TeTe Noire, French Cabbage.  I will show another time when I have photos.

We stopped eating healthy for a few weeks but we are getting back on track now.  We all do that sometimes don't we? 

If some of you remember I planted this lavender in this tank with the sage late last year and it has gone through several deep freezes and our snow with only frost cover over it.  This is how it looks today, it has kept blooms the entire time.  I think that it likes the sage next to it.

This old wire cage that we made years ago is still in use.  Two days ago I planted Cabbage, onions and celery in here. 

Bernadette is in her depths of despair and depression.  Elizabeth is at the Vet getting her teeth cleaned and she cannot function without her. 

So I took her outside with me while I planted some celery and she still did not know what to do without Elizabeth.  She was like this almost nine hours like this.  She would not eat or drink water until Elizabeth came home. 

Everyday I go through different areas in the house and remove things that I am ready to part with.  I still have no plans to become a minimalist.  I will always keep little things that have happy memories.  Our lives change, our needs change and we simply adjust for where we are in our lives.  That is how I like to think about it.   

I was wondering if any of you have planted the remaining root of any other vegetable?  If so could you please post what you planted and how did it do?  Or you can converse with one another about any other topic.  Just keep it nice, if I can keep keep my pillow buttoned so can you.

Grandma Donna

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