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I have one thing to say: we are all in God’s hands so please don’t worry.
We have a winter storm blowing, so I made soap today. Foolish me! I got some on my arm and thought I had cleaned it off, but tonight I have a large burn. Always wear gloves!!! I’ve also been working on finishing a quilt. This year i’ve been working on finishing undone projects and cleaning out … it’s a big job, but a little every day accomplishes a great deal!
Your garden looks wonderful! Well done!!!
Hello G. Donna. I didn't know about Charles being accosted in the yard. I can understand your fears. At one time you and Charles were considering moving to Madge's old place, are you still contemplating that idea? Maybe it is a safer place to be.
Dear Donna... We don't involve ourselves in anything political or watch/listen to the News on TV so we don't have our peace taken from us.
I noticed on social media that people open their mouths and say the most unkind things to and about people they don't even know so that too is no longer something we would wish to be part of.
Lawlessness is increasing and you're both very wise putting a sturdy fence around your property for safety reasons.
It is bottling season here in NZ so much time is spent doing that at the moment. Appears to be a glut of stone fruits and prices lower than the last few years.
I feel stay home, do homely things.... Crafts, reading uplifting books, even historical things on you tube can be most interesting in seeing how things were used, invented and how people lived in days past. Shut our ears to the going ons in the world today. We cannot change the plans others in power have.
Sending blessings
Karen NZ
As others have said, don’t you worry about what anyone else thinks. I do believe that you have some very nice followers. I’m sure many of us have varying beliefs, but I’m also pretty sure we can all agree there’s a lot going on and we as people are more divided than ever in our lives.
I planted horse radish this fall but we are moving so I will dig it up to take with us- will see how it fares.
Your fence is looking nice and I do hope you’ll enjoy your space/garden more
Hello Donna & Charles
I was very sad to hear what happened to Charles, it must have been so frightening. The fence you have built looks very sturdy and hopefully you will feel safer.
I find in my older years my peace is up to me and as another replyer said: I don't watch the news anymore unless of course it's time for the weather. Also I find Reading and My Crafts, Colouring In and Knitting keep me sane. I look so forward to your posts.
Keep Well & Safe
Cheers Roz from Australia
My peace is not disturbed. Everything is ultimately in the Lord's hands. And from what I can tell anxiety about anything outside of my control doesn't alter reality. I focus on my routines, my obligations and responsibilities in my home and family. That gives me comfort and peace. My place is not to be anxious and worried about the news of the world as that's not what the Lord asks of me. It is enough for me to be a source of comfort & peace where the Lord has placed me.
On the collards you can cut near the base and it will continue to grow again, in your area you should get one more small amount of leaves before it begins to get too warm.
I have planted the root end of grocery store romaine lettuce and get small yield but free lettuce leaves. It isn't as large as the original plant, but I pick leaves and continue harvesting for quite awhile.
I have planted celery, herbs, garlic, collards, and grocery store potatoes
I expressed my frustration with trying to control my electricity use this winter last post but I got over feeling bad and deleted the post. Maybe sometimes we just have to say things! We're all different but we're all here to watch and learn.
What a beautiful fence! I'm sure it will do a wonderful job keeping everyone safe. Poor Bernadette. She has the perfect sad face for everything that's been going on lately. We opened the cold frames on a warm day and everything looked good except that we lost the perennial cauliflower. I'll have to devise a better way to get it through the winters. Our seeds are sprouting well in their seed trays. I'm trying a new pea type this year that's supposed to make both snow peas and podded peas on the same vines. I guess it's magic. It's called Wolfpeach purple podded pea.
It is certainly a time of feeling over-stimulated with information coming at us so quickly. This can make us feel stressed and cause us to want to withdraw. Thank you for sharing the things you do which nurture and care. These qualities are universal as your many posts from your readers around the globe demonstrate. I looked closely at your photos and noticed that I have exactly the same candle angel chimes over here in England. They are in our Christmas box. Our garden planting is in the planning stage and we will be putting our cold frame together very soon now for the growing season.
Hi Grandma Donna,
I have planted the roots of Spring Onions (they may have other names) in a herb pot for my daughter.
The Spring Onions were bought from the supermarket, the tops used and the bottom inch or so, along with the roots, was left.
I put them in a small jar of water for a few days. The tops started to sprout new growth, and new roots appeared.
I've attached a photo of the finished pot; you might be able to see a thickish green shoot near the front left. That's a Spring Onion after about ten days in the soil.
Wishing you and Charles peace,
Hi Grandma Donna,
Taking action after such a shock can help with your feelings of security. I hope that you are both bouncing back well from that incident. Your fence looks excellent!
Even though we are having some extremely hot weather here is South Australia (today was 45C or 113 Fahrenheit!) I still managed to get some more spring onions and beetroot planted recently and they are going well. My tomatoes, both cherry and beefsteak, are all producing well, and aubergines are fruiting and I will soon be harvesting those as well. My lettuces, strawberries and basil are lapping up the heat and appear in our meals daily at the moment.
So good to read a new post on your blog. I understand your hesitance too. There is so much happening around the world. The world is so connected now and things can seem so urgent and personal even when happening afar and not under our control. Taking care of yourself and your own by growing, cooking, loving, even building a fence, can re-balance our focus. Thanks for the reminder.
Sharon in Lewiston SA, Australia
I was very saddened to hear that Charles was robbed while out in your own yard. I imagine that must have been extremely stressful. Your new board fence is looking really nice. I hope you will feel safer outside when the wall is done because it is obvious how much you enjoy being outside, working in your garden, and enjoying wildlife and flowers. I hope you will be able to get back to walking on your paths, especially before it gets too hot outside for you. I am glad to see that your plants are doing so well. I know that gives you a lot of joy. I wish you could go live at Madge's place. It sounds like it was very peaceful there and probably much safer.
I like to see your things out on the clothesline. I have some of mine out there right now. It is so wonderful to have the fresh air scent.
I don't think you could really say anything that would offend people or get them to jump on you about something. I think we have a nice group here who are trying to find peace and calmness and we know we won't get that if we get embroiled in controversies. This is your blog and it seems that you ought to be able to post what is important to you. I sort of wish that you would get back on one of your history studies again as you really seemed to enjoy it and it seemed to give you a focus that took you away from present-day struggles.
Wishing you peace and good health!
Becky Sue
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