Comments On Article: Diary Readings July 2 - 8 1943
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Roxanne Malone wrote
I have just discovered your blog this week and am thoroughly enjoying it. I am a stay at home mom in my late 30s and we live a very old fashioned life. I have such vivid memories of my grandparents and mom when i read through your posts. Thank you for sharing!
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Grandma Donna wrote
From Grandma Donna
Hi Roxanne,
I am so happy that you found my blog! The way things are in this world today it is wonderful that you are able to be a stay-at-home Mom and it is wonderful that you live a life of sensible old-fashioned values. This is a big job that you are doing, and I am happy that you have good memories of your Grandparents and mom to help guide you along. I am pleased to know that you are reading along here at gdonna's, the g stands for grandma Donna.
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