Comments On Article: Diary Reading August 20 - September 17, 1943
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Hello :) I have been reading your blog for quite awhile now and adore it. This is my very first comment, and it’s really just a quick question.
I know you said that Nuco was a margarine but what exactly does “work Nuco” and “worked Nuco” mean? What was Lil doing?
Thank you for all of your hard work in keeping up with your blog and sharing with us
Grandma Donna wrote, Hi Kayla R, welcome over here on the forum. :) Nuco was a Oleo Margarine that was snowy white and made out of Cocoanut oils and not sure what else. They sold it in a block that came with what they called a wafer. It said, By coloring Nuco yourself you can obtain the color you prefer for your own table use. No animal fats. I am guessing the color was yellow. So when they worked nuco, they were coloring it. I have traced it back to the 1924, it may have been made before that but that is as far as I have an actual advertisement for it. I have a 1926 ad that explains the snowy white pure color and the wafer that comes with the box. The box looks like a 1 lb box of butter or margarine we would get today. I hope this helps to give you a good mental picture of what Lil and Lena does when they work Nuco. :)

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