Comments On Article: Crossing The Line
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Gwen Gardner aka Shogs KRS on Facebook wrote
Thank you for your posts and the WHOLE blog! Someone on Reddit suggested your site. I'm looking forward to reading the whole thing. I appreciate knowledge about simple, old fashioned living. Thank you again.
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Marsha wrote
Donna, thank you again for another encouraging and inspiring post. I've read it several times and have bookmarked it, as well. I've stepped over that imaginary line as you suggested and am determined to make the most of my life in the time that I have left. Life is far too short to waste another moment focusing on past failures, or living with unforgiveness and regret.
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Grandma Donna wrote
Thank you Gwen and Marsha for your lovely comments and for being part of this new comment section. I read every email because it comes directly to me when the form is sent. Once I have read it I click a button and it is posted. So if there is a delay I might be in the garden or cooking a meal or if it is nighttime and I am sleeping I will see it the following day. I am happy we have this new comment section. :)
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Pam Tamkin wrote
Hello Grandma Donna,
I am so happy to see this comment section.
I am have wanting to tell you for a long time that I so enjoy your blog and am inspired by your words.
This post particularly resonated with me and I am bookmarking it to refer back to.
Thank you for your words of encouragement and inspiration. Much needed in today's world.
Please do keep on writing and sharing your life and invaluable knowledge with us.
Thank you again.
Pam in Texas. x
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Jennifer wrote
Thank you, Grandma Donna…though I know these things, it can be hard to stay focused when there’s nobody behind to rally us on. God used you today to rally us, to be our coach and cheerleader in staying true to the path of wise and debt free living.
Bless you, from one grandma to another. ????
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Grandma Donna wrote
Hi Jennifer, I try to keep things real here on my blog, some things are tough to do and to this day I have never found a magic button. :) Yes, I am a Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
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