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Mrs. Kiwi wrote
Dear Grandma Donna, I love your rock labels in your container garden. How do you usually cook daikon radish? I have one in my fridge and have been thinking about how to use it. I usually add it to soups and stews.
With love from,
Kelly (Mrs. Kiwi)
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Grandma Donna wrote
Kelly, we enjoy our daikon radish sauteed with olive oil, salt and pepper or boiled as I would boil a turnip. Either way tastes good to me. Charles really likes them sliced into bite size pieces and sauteed. Does anyone else have a suggestion? Grandma Donna
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Mrs. Kiwi wrote
Grandma Donna, thank you for the suggestions. They sound lovely. I will try sauteing the daikon radish next time. Kelly
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Elle wrote
Dear Grandma Donna,
that pasta salad looks delicious!
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Jane wrote
My onion harvest failed over autumn/winter. I have planted out more and hope to have a decent Spring/summer harvest of onions. I have lots of plants that have gone to seed. Once the seeds set I collect them and then pull the plants out and feed to the chickens. I love that even though we are in different seasons our gardens are running on a continuous cycle.
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Darlene Roudebush wrote
That's what I like about gardening, it's experimenting and seeing what will work each year. You simply never know until you try. I think it's a great idea to take those seeds, that need to be used, and throw them around and see what comes up! I'm all for it!
By the way, you remember the photos I sent of my onions? Most of them died off. I have no idea what happened, but I did get some onions that got to a decent size. They were doing so well and then got mushy. Too much rain? I don't know. But I will try again in the Spring. Hope is eternal! And with gardening you absolutely need hope. ;-)
Wishing you a good weekend,
Darlene from Ohio
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Felicity Anne wrote
I so much enjoy seeing your garden and vegetables growing, G’ma Donna.
I can imagine how challenging it is to tend these in the tremendous and relentless heat of your summer days and now I wish you all the respite of the cooler weather returning.
Thank you for your wonderful clear photos. I learn so much and enjoy them. I love seeing your little dogs too.
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Claudia wrote
I once did throw a lot of old seeds into a garden patch. Not sure how they would do, I chose a place with filtered sun and light shade during the day. The seeds were a mix of old packets of peppers, lettuce, radish, and herbs, I believe. Most did quite well actually. The peppers never got to maturity as they need a lot of heat and light; but I got some things that I might not have got otherwise. The packets were more than three years old. It was fun, but since I keep my seeds in a box way out of light and heat during storage time, I knew some would probably prosper. And I always like to give something a chance. Now I buy from a seed company that is quite reasonable in price and sells smaller quantities than normal. That way I am not throwing out seed down the line and am more liable to use what I paid for with no waste.
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Margaret in New Zealand wrote
I love daikon radish on a hot day, chilled in the fridge and grated into a salad. The colder it is the better (sometimes I have even put the grated radish into iced water before serving).
Thankyou for all your many posts over the years - I am a long-time follower and you have been a constant inspiration to me :)
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Stephenie wrote
My garden is small right now, too. You always inspire me to grow more food. I moved my roses into the sunshine. They are in pots. They are blooming constantly. What a joy. Thanks for the wonderful blog.
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Mandy wrote
I also planted long day onions here in TN thinking that was the right type for the south. We had a small onion harvest but I will be planting short day from now on.
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Grandma Donna wrote
From Grandma Donna
Thank you Mandy, Stephenie, Margaret, Claudia, Felicity, Darlene, Jane, Elle, Mrs. Kiwi for your comments.
Mandy, yes Short Day onions for the south, I guess I should have known this but didn't have the ability to research like we do now :) I hope switching to short day works if I can ever get them to germinate ;0
Stephenie, I need to get more sunshine for my roses too, hummm, I haven't grown roses in pots, now I think I will try, thank you for sharing that with us.
Margaret, I will have to try the daikon radish grated, ummm that sounds good and thank you for being a long time reader :).
Claudia, now I do think I will throw my seeds to the wind to see what will happen, since I am not the only one :).
Felicity Anne, yes, this heat has been relentless and I really am wanting the cooler weather to get here, still in the 90-degree temps this week. We love our little doggies, they are like our children :).
Darlene, we must never give up trying to grow these onions, hopefully we will eventually succeed. I am currently trying to get some multiplying onions to germinate. I even got new seed, I will just keep planting and maybe eventually it will take hold.
Jane, Good point, I too love how we make this continuous garden circle following each other, and when it is hot here I can read about the cold that people are experiencing in other countries, I am so ready to start wearing my sweater :).
Elle, thank you, we do enjoy this pasta :).
Mrs. Kiwi, I hope your sauteed radishes are tasty :)
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Lady Locust (JL ????) wrote
I love your idea for planting :-) That would be fun to see. Our garden is a full 3 weeks late this year. I know we have different climates, but it's a nutty year. I am finally getting green beans. And my tomatoes didn't do much of anything this year - just strange.
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I had a good laugh at you wanting to throw your older seeds in and see what happens.
I had a few packets that I just couldn't get to germinate and still 2 years to expiry date. I held on to them 4 more years then out of frustration threw them all in trays. The majority germinated!!!! Lots and lots of plants to friends and the thrift shop.
Currently have saved bean seeds from 2016 in hoping they will strike as since 2018 they haven't and the seeds look real healthy.

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