Comments On Article: The Buttoned Pillow
Thanks so much for removing the political discussions! I was starting to feel that the page was descending into a political free-for-all and that is definitely not what your group is about. I wondered if it might be beneficial to have a link at the top of your webpage along with the links you already have, to the forum rules and guidelines. I looked for it yesterday when the political free-for-all began but I couldn't find it. I see now that when a person posts, the link is there but it might be helpful to have it in a more prominent place. Thanks for all you do to keep the forum positive, uplifting, and encouraging.
Katie P wrote: "I feel informed without being overwhelmed". Great plan! I have been informed yet found myself overwhelmed for the last few years, and I have come to accept that I cannot fix this fallen world, but I can do what I am capable of in my own life. Scripture tells us that "this world is not our home" and that "lawlessness will abound". We cannot stop the progression, it is in God's hands. I will do what I can for my safety, sanity, production of food and overall try to make wise choices, but... I cannot control the world nor the people in it. Take care Grandma Donna, we are rooting for you!
Katie P.
Great post :-)
@ Margaret P
I just loved what you wrote about not getting stressed about the things God tells us not to get stressed about (well something like that, your comment is way back near the start), but it warmed my heart so much :0) - thanks !!
and...dear Grandma Donna, I so love to read whatever you write. I feel after all these years of reading your blog that I know your heart. I see you and Charles as 'true' people - loving, genuine, sensible, realistic and caring.
Yes we all no doubt have differing opinions about things that are political and or spiritual and I too have had to keep the pillow buttoned :) I've been grieved over many things these past few years, which has changed me quite a bit. I've felt disappointed often...and very sad. But like many others who have commented on here, we all find ways to cope with stress and 'the news'. My husband and I rarely watch the New Zealand news, as it makes us angry and I/we feel like we don't fit in this world much anymore...but then again we are not meant to, as we are strangers and pilgrims in this world. So we choose to watch 'All creatures great and small'..ahh what a glorious escape :)
Many blessings to you Grandma Donna and Charles and to all of you like minded souls ~ Linda
Someone mentioned thrifting --I have a box full of very nice picture frames that I got for $10 at a church rummage sale 3 or 4 years ago. I went the last hour of the sale specifically to get a bag for $5. I filled 2 bags with frames. The nice ones are so expensive. To create a unified look through the house I paint them the same color as I add new pictures to my displays. If one of my family needs a frame I'm happy to share and paint it for them. I have to say that has been one of my better ideas!
I have decided not to follow the news as I was being absorbed by it. I read somewhere that ministry should begin within our home. This has resonated greatly with me and has influenced my focus going forward. I feel much more at peace. This community here is a joy because it is a break from politics. It is heart warming and focuses on caring values. Let's all preserve that. Thanks Donna and Charles.
I planted the tops off parsnips one year. They grew into large plants and set seed. Parsnip seed needs to be very fresh and this is a great way to have your own see
Yes, nice frames can be very expensive. The plan you mention for a unified look sounds great. I will have to think about perhaps coordinating something like that too; at least in one room. I had not thought about picture frames at all, but it is a good suggestion.
Dear Grandma Donna, you speak the truth in a wholesome and comforting way, and I don't think any opinion you express would be taken wrongly by any of us. I really look forward to hearing from you and imbibing your old-time, hardworking way of life. Challenged to live simply, frugally, and meaningfully every time I remember you. You are an absolute inspiration and delight to my soul. Thank you for your blog.
Indeed, thrifting is such a good way of life. Here in my country, we use things until they're worn out so there really isn't such a thing as thrifting. How I wish there were! But I pack and give away old clothes to various organizations that work among the poor.
I too have had a hard time lately. I told my husband last night I think it all started for me back in 2019 from one incident with someone and it's just scarred me about things. The fence is a great idea! The idea of more privacy is very nice and much safer. The garden is looking fantastic especially for it being so cold. I couldn't agree more with others about shutting out the news. I always say it's okay to be informed as to what is going on locally, nationally, and in the world, but don't let it ruin relationship and friendships. I know people that that is all they can talk about and they have just let it overrun their lives and I can see the effects it has on them. One person told me I need to "educate" my friends on these politics. Is it really worth it though? When there are so many other things to think about, talk about and care for I know that politics is constantly changing. It doesn't matter what your stance is, just take care of your home and that will never fail you. We always try to do that and shut out the world to find that peace. Majority of our friends don't come over except we have 1 family on average a year come by our home for a quick visit. I do miss visiting with folks like how it used to be even 10 years ago. As my husband said last night it feels as if it's just our family on a island we call home. The way folks are though and how things are going sometimes I ask myself if I want people to come over. I never thought I'd be like that. We have had too many instances with some relatives that have made it difficult for us to want to have others over at times. I love the other comments and glad I was late reading this post because I truly needed to read that their are others thinking and doing the same things I am right now. GDonna I'm sorry you had to remove those comments and that you feel sometimes you can't express fully what you need to in your blog. Maybe it's a good thing at times? One can never know. :)
Hi, everyone:
I have only posted a comment here once, I believe; but I do want to say this blog is one of my safe places right now. Thank you
This might be a bit off-topic but it seems that many on here are interested in gardening and saving money. I was at Dollar General today and they are having a sale on these seeds until March 8. They are 4 packs for $1.00! They are all Burpee heirloom seeds. The lady made it sound like it is at all of the Dollar General's. This is such a fantastic deal, and I wanted to let everyone know about it.
That's a great deal! Thanks for sharing. I'll have to check mine out.
Grandma Donna, I didn’t realize that Charles had been held up…how terrifying! I don’t blame you for feeling unsafe. I have adopted a male German Shepherd/Malinois mix, had cameras installed, and also an alarm. I hope things change, but right now it seems like we really have to protect ourselves. Your home and garden look lovely and peaceful. I am growing food, too
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