Comments On Article: Diary Readings November 5 - 11, 1943
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Darlene from Ohio wrote
Like you, Donna, I notice how much they visit each other. It might be just a short visit, but they stop in and see each other often. We could use a lot more of that today. How much more personal a visit is than a phone call...or text, nowadays.
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Grandma Donna wrote
Darlene, if people could just pop in and visit the past for a day and experience the way people related to one another, the visiting with one another, the feel, the sounds and the smells they would understand why we need to resemble the past today.
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Michelle wrote
Hello Donna. I love these diary entries. When I was a child neither our grandparents or ourselves had a phone. I'm almost 50 now. We would take a half an hour drive to their place and if they weren't home we would wait an hour or so. If they still hadn't come home we would write them a note and turn around and go home again. Can you imagine people having the time and patience for that now? I can't. Thank you for sharing these old diaries.
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Jackie wrote
I enjoy these diaries and seeing how interconnected the people were. I remember that from my childhood in the '50's and'60's. It seems to me that a lot of the problem is that people move much more often than they used to. I've lived in 4 different states in my life and some people have moved a lot more. I have 4 children - 1 in California, 1 in Colorado, 1 in Nebraska and 1 in China. Needless to say I don't get to see them very often. Since Covid, I'm not traveling and neither are they. My parents are both gone and my siblings live in Colorado, California and Ireland. Again we only see each other every few years. I live on a short, dead-end road. There are 6 houses on this road; I'm the first house as you turn up this way. I don't know my neighbors at all. We don't socialize and I've lived here almost 10 years! I long for the days when families lived close together and could help each other often.
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Grandma Donna wrote
Hi Jackie,
Sadly this is the way it is for so many people today. It does concern me how so many people never see or talk to anyone for days at a time or even longer. Long ago people would visit with each other very often and if someone lived alone the neighbors and people of the community would stop in and visit them sometimes daily. This is something very common to read in my many diaries, the older diaries especially. In our neighborhood people move away or pass away and new people move in but Charles and I always introduce ourselves and leave our number. It is not like it was long ago but now we have nice flow with communication through texting or short phone calls for important things and everyone feels comfortable to ask for something if they need help and we look out for one another. I hope we can keep it this way.
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