About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Comments On Article: Our Purpose

1,687 posts (admin)
Wed May 10, 23 11:31 PM CST

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24 posts
Thu May 11, 23 2:41 AM CST

Happy Mothers Day to you too Grandma Donna :)

Your cake looks so delicious! I will keep you and the upcoming surgery

in my prayers.

Blessings to you ~ Linda

4 posts
Thu May 11, 23 6:32 AM CST

God bless and keep you. I always look forward to your posts...it's like getting a letter in the mail from a dear friend.

19 posts
Thu May 11, 23 6:50 AM CST

I will be praying for your upcoming surgery and healing.

Your posts calm the spirit in this chaotic world. I do find myself thinking back, quite a lot, to the 1950's, when I was growing up and life was much more simple and meaningful. There were, of course, problems people encountered, but friends and neighbors were plentiful to help. Today, it seems, most neighbors won't even speak and they certainly would not help. It is so sad.

Have a blessed and wonderful Mother's Day, Donna.

52 posts
Thu May 11, 23 9:48 AM CST

Happy Mother's Day!  I will be praying for you and your surgery.  I do often wonder how people live today as we need new flooring and countertops and windows.  The estimates made me stressed, nor can I afford them!  Who can afford this? Yet everyone tears out perfectly grand flooring and cabinets adding quartz or marble countertops at will!!! Good grief, is everyone maxed out on credit?  I can't even fathom!   I don't get it.  Anyway, you will be sorely missed and I will be awaiting your return.  Praying everything goes very well.  

4 posts
Thu May 11, 23 11:15 AM CST

Praying for a successful surgery and fast healing.  Come back when you're fully rested and we will be here awaiting your return.  May God bless you. 

76 posts
Thu May 11, 23 3:48 PM CST

The cake made me hungry!

May you have a happy Mother's Day and a successful surgery!

23 posts
Thu May 11, 23 9:51 PM CST

Happy Mother's day!  I hope you have a wonderful visit with your family. 

I'm praying for you to have a successful surgery and a quick and full recovery. May God bless all involved, especially you and Charles.

I will miss you posting, but I do enjoy re-reading your older posts. This post is very well said! I think we all need to pull back to the basics, and just focus on our families first. Once we get our own families in balance, we can reach out to others close to us. But caring for our families must come first. 

4 posts
Thu May 11, 23 10:12 PM CST

That cake looks fabulous...I think for Mother's day I'll pull out one of my old, old cookbooks and make a good old fashioned cake!

Prayers for a speedy recovery and quick return to us.

12 posts
Fri May 12, 23 6:24 AM CST

Happy Mother's Day to you, Grandma Donna!  This was a beautiful and thoughtful post.  Your words are so helpful.  I am looking forward to going back and reading some of your older posts.  Sending many good wishes to you and your family as you prepare for surgery.  

Elizabeth M.

20 posts
Fri May 12, 23 9:59 AM CST
Ann E wrote:

Happy Mother's Day!  I will be praying for you and your surgery.  I do often wonder how people live today as we need new flooring and countertops and windows.  The estimates made me stressed, nor can I afford them!  Who can afford this? Yet everyone tears out perfectly grand flooring and cabinets adding quartz or marble countertops at will!!! Good grief, is everyone maxed out on credit?  I can't even fathom!   I don't get it.  Anyway, you will be sorely missed and I will be awaiting your return.  Praying everything goes very well.  

I have also questioned these expenses!  However, I think that these these just didn't get replaced as often in the past both because of design and also the quality of the work.  I had some new windows installed about 8 years ago and they aren't really holding up that well; certainly not to the point of needing replacement but they are unlikely to hold up another 20 years;  However, there are also some original 1930s windows in this house which still generally function just fine, although they are single pane with a storm window which no one wants anymore.

I have also thought about kitchens.  Everything now is built in basically but I remember my grandmother's kitchen and there were cabinet units on wheels (they could be rolled out to clean behind them!!! )  and they could be replaced, individually, when they got too scruffy.  She also had just two hanging cabinets in her kitchen.  Her main work space was the kitchen table which again was a single unit to be replaced if it ever needed it.  I actually have a lovely old kitchen table I use in my dining area probably from the 1940s? and it is in fine condition.  I still use it to knead bread just because.   And there are wood cabinets in my garage that probably came from my original kitchen and were rehung in the garage. But they still open and close perfectly and likely to last another 50 years in the garage.

It would be so hard to design a kitchen that way anymore and the resale value would drop I guess.  But definitely some advantages to it. 

10 posts
Fri May 12, 23 11:27 AM CST

Happy Mother's Day to you! Your posts are a balm for my soul. We are praying for  you as you have surgery, and praying for the surgeon too. Hurry back to us. Carolyn in Fl.

11 posts
Fri May 12, 23 4:06 PM CST

Good day Grandma Donna~

I had a dentist appointment earlier this morning.  I was anxious so I didn't eat beforehand, and was ravenous afterwards.  We've been very careful to buy and prepare homecooked meals, and I do enjoy doing so, but I went through the drive-through at McDonalds, and my that Filet of Fish was delish :)  I think as long as we see it as an occasional thing, it's truly a treat.  

Your picture of your set table made me want to get out my milk-glass vase and fill it with pretty flowers.  Carnations are one of my favorites.  The table looked so relaxing and inviting.

I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day with your family.  I will look forward to your return, and am hoping for a successful surgery and recovery for you.  Take care. 

Another Donna :)

14 posts
Sat May 13, 23 7:08 AM CST

Hello GD
Thank you for your words here. They have really connected with my muddled thoughts today and helped me feel calmer. I believe this too. Living simply is what makes most sense to me.

We have just spent the last week with my family- all the people who are the most important people to me in the world. Tomorrow we all return to our separate lives. We came together from Scotland, Queensland and New Zealand because it was my 70th birthday and we had not been together for several years. We have paid a lot of money to do this and it has been money well spent. We have lived in together successfully for the week although we are all very different. We have eaten and tidied, played and talked and laughed. Oh we have rocked about laughing. It will never be forgotten this week together.

Families are indeed what our purpose here is. Looking after our family and loving them, yes.

Enjoy yours, GD.

Kind wishes for your surgery. Rest well. See you again soon.


10 posts
Mon May 15, 23 9:53 AM CST

Grandma Donna,

Your posts always bring such peace and calm and are filled with such common sense of purpose and the things that truly matter. I'm glad that your family was able to come for Mother's Day. I will be praying for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.



52 posts
Mon May 15, 23 3:52 PM CST

I love the response to what our purpose should be.  You are absolutely correct.

Also, prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.  

Keep well~

28 posts
Tue May 16, 23 7:38 AM CST

Enjoy your break and blessings to you for your upcoming surgery.  I love the look of your dinner table.  It's peaceful, like it was with my grands.

I couldn't agree more about people pulling out perfectly good things to replace them.  Especially when it's brand new!  Our builder oak cabinets are pretty worn, but an afternoon with Restore A Finish does the trick. 

Donna, one of my friends calls it a Filet of Goldfish lol.  She remembers when the fish hung off the bun. 

8 posts
Thu May 25, 23 4:36 AM CST

Dear Grandma Donna, 

Praying that you will recover well from a successful surgery. Thankful that you were able to have loved ones over for Mother's Day.

I agree about tearing out good stuff to replace it, sometimes with less good stuff. Here in India, we hardly throw out anything unless it's been used to the point that it can't even be handled any more, because it's literally falling apart as you try to use or wash it! But with the advent of smartphones and social media, the next generation is catching on to the trend of consumerism. Your blog and the comments help me so much to be grounded in common sense, kindness, hard work, responsibility, and peaceful homeliness. Thank you so much for constantly bringing me back these blessings.

Nowadays, most Indians are jumping on to the craze for house remodeling and building flats and villas which look like the very latest models in the West rather than the simpler, more functional and unassuming homes that our very rich yet very needy country used to be replete with. Sigh! The older houses were actually very comfortable, cool and affordable. 

Looking forward to hearing that you're through the surgery and recovering well. God bless!

12 posts
Thu May 25, 23 3:11 PM CST
Hi Grandma Donna, I hope your surgery goes perfectly and your recovery is restful and restorative. I feel a little tearful, I know I always get this way wen my grandma has something medical-related. Thank you for popping in :) I appreciate your thoughts on our purpose. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and although I am not religious, I do think at the bare minimum, choosing to love and show kindness matters. We are all just humans on this planet at this time in history through no choice of our own - why not spend our time focused on what really matters while doing the least harm to others (and the planet, when possible)? Back to basics feels so crucial right now, like maybe we’re at a tipping point for where all of our technological advances will push us.
139 posts
Sat Jul 08, 23 10:59 AM CST
Ann E wrote:

Happy Mother's Day!  I will be praying for you and your surgery.  I do often wonder how people live today as we need new flooring and countertops and windows.  The estimates made me stressed, nor can I afford them!  Who can afford this? Yet everyone tears out perfectly grand flooring and cabinets adding quartz or marble countertops at will!!! Good grief, is everyone maxed out on credit?  I can't even fathom!   I don't get it.  Anyway, you will be sorely missed and I will be awaiting your return.  Praying everything goes very well.  

I read online that 60% of the avg American household doesn't have over $1,000 in savings and most would have to borrow money from a credit card or a relative. The avg debt they are carrying is $101,915 not including their mortgage. We live here in the United States and see the debt first hand our friends are carrying. It's just awful to watch them keep up with an image.

139 posts
Sat Jul 08, 23 11:12 AM CST

Thank you GD for this much needed post. I know I am late to replying back to this, but I did read it and just couldn't write back on it. I get anxiety when I think of what our friends and family members are carrying for debt. I agree with everyone on the comments of updating things that are not necessary. I would love to remove our kitchen cabinets because 2 owners back they got very beat up and then the people we bought the house from did a terrible job on painting them. They were beautiful maple and now white. I'm considering painting them a softer white and just getting new hardware. The countertops are a necessity of replacing though due to how they are. I feel as if most just want that new feeling that makes them feel good, but what they really are looking for is contentment. The cake in the photo looks delicious and I love the table setting. We hope you have a speedy recovery.

22 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 12:45 PM CST

Another beautiful post.  I agree.  Even if you don't have a family, it is peace inducing to take care of your home, garden, animals, and life.  I just planted a lavender bush and a boysenberry plant, and it looks so nice up there.  It's amazing how different a neighborhood feels when people take care of their little plot of land, and keep things clean and tidy.  The opposite is also true: trash, bottles, and dead vegetation make a place sad and depressing.  Hope your surgery goes well.  I didn't know you had a pacemaker.

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