About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Comments On Article: Diary Readings November 19 -25, 1943

1,696 posts (admin)
Thu Nov 17, 22 1:15 AM CST

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1,696 posts (admin)
Thu Nov 17, 22 2:43 AM CST

Pam wrote

How interesting about the victory wagon! I love those carts, though I live too far from the shops to use one. My Father's cousin made a wooden one for his mother in the 60's.
I love how the diaries are focused on the home, people and small mundane tasks. These days people seem to feel the need to stress how little time they actually spend at home. It's sad I think.
Just had our first snow this morning. Almost time to make our yearly Christmas fruit cake.
Blessings, to you both, from Pam in Norway

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1,696 posts (admin)
Thu Nov 17, 22 6:47 AM CST

Grandma Donna wrote

Thank you Pam for your comment. I have an old metal basket rolling cart. I hang on to it just in case there is a need to walk to the store. We do have a smaller grocery store that would be in walking distance, a bit of a hike but could be done. :)

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1,696 posts (admin)
Thu Nov 17, 22 8:52 AM CST

Andrea wrote

My great grandmother had a white metal one she used to store in the back of her Ford Pinto and one day she phoned us when I was about 9 or 10 and she was stuck at the grocery store because her Pinto had caught on fire. I never saw the basket after that so I always assumed it burned in the car fire. Here recently they have taken away all the plastic bags at the checkout which I'm thankful for, but they have started charging us quite a bit for paper bags. The produce is still in plastic bags, but they are extremely flimsy and constantly bust. This winter I have decided to make shopping easier I will make my own produce bags due to the frustration I continue to have with the produce bags. If I was close enough to a grocery store I would gladly have a rolling basket and walk to and from. I think I would actually enjoy it except in stormy weather. :) I was also wondering about the pies. It seems to me that many people made a lot of pies at once, but how did 2 people eat so many pies? Maybe there was company or they took some to others?

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1,696 posts (admin)
Thu Nov 17, 22 10:48 AM CST

Grandma Donna wrote

Andrea, I will address this question about the pies in tomorrows post. :)

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1,696 posts (admin)
Fri Nov 18, 22 4:16 PM CST

Susan Setzer from Garner, NC wrote

Hi Gdonna! Btw, love that you have added comment section to your blog. I love reading your readers comments as much as your posts. I like learning this tidbit about victory carts. I never knew that was a thing for the past. Every year around verteran's weekend about 7-10 of us women in our extended family get together and rent a townhouse at Myrtle Beach, SC. We spend the weekend having a grand time with just us women (no men or kids allowed) while Christmas shopping for 3 whole days! We hit a lot of outlet malls and we all own a modern version of this victory cart! They are great for the outlets since there are no grocery carts there, this way we don't make multiple trips to the cars. The link below is similar to the one I own. It's well used :-) also it's great for going to the library and getting lots of books! :-)

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1,696 posts (admin)
Fri Nov 18, 22 4:31 PM CST

Grandma Donna wrote

Susan, thank you for your comment. It sounds like you ladies have a really good time, you are making fun memories. :)

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