Comments On Article: Peek Week Friday
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Hi Donna
I don't really mind one way or another whether the replies go in here or under the post. I do though sort of wish the forum had a way for us to pick up where we left off rather than having to plough through all the replies to find where it was I last read up to. Not that there is anything much you can do about that. But no, I am happy with whatever way works best for you.
Laura (Scotland)
"We buy the things that help us to not spend."
This line from the post - I agree with this so much!
When 2008 hit, some of the state and federal work my husband's employer contracted for started to dry up. As time went on, most projects got delayed or cancelled and his employer had to start laying off employees. By early 2010, although my husband wasn't in danger of layoff, he knew that when it got to where he had absolutely nothing to do, he would resign, rather than draw a paycheck for doing nothing. With that in mind, I started right then buying things like an umbrella dryer, a dehydrator, a mop with washable pads and second-hand cloth napkins. I bought a 5-gallon bucket and ingredients to make laundry detergent, and got the supplies and started making my own household cleaners. I still use and do these things today. It was not an easy time right after he resigned, but I was grateful that I had thought ahead and bought these things before I needed them. Today they continue to help me save money.
I'm afraid I'm no help on "forum vs. comments." I don't mind either way!
Hi Donna,
For me I can do either way, but it’s probably easier to have the comments below the article. But by all means do whatever works best for you
Grandma Donna wrote, Hi everyone that is reading this from here down. On my blog post Peek Week Friday, in this thread, I posted a question on that post at the bottom, and the question was, do you prefer forum or comment section, but I deleted that question off the post because right away, I realized by the first two comments, by Laura B and Diane W, that we are one big family and either way you are here (Hugs). Thank you Laura B and Diane B for answering. Laura brought up about the difficulty to find your place to where you have read to and I agree because I have to do that and not sure how to fix that, I don't think there is. She was just replying to the question I asked. I am a bit wish washy lately.
Joan S, you completely understood that think about it part in my post. Thank you for sharing that.
We have used portieres for the past two years to close off our family room/kitchen area which is heated by a gas fireplace. That fireplace is the only heat we have used as well, mainly running it at night when it starts turning cold. The rest of the house is chilly but not freezing (we live in N CA). I didn’t even know that the word portiere existed! Just hung up some fleece blankets purchased on clearance at Target - $10. Well worth it. We also have the exact same umbrella clothesline G’Ma D has just purchased and it’s pretty much all I use - unless we’re blessed with a week of rain. Take care everyone.
Oh I am getting spoiled with these frequent posts. So enjoy them in this busy world
Right? Me too!!
loving these perks at your week!
Can you share about your new clothesline? I love how it folds in and has a cover for when not in use. I wonder if it’s on Amazon.
Thank you
Grandma Donna wrote, Anna G, yes I did get the clothesline on Amazon and right now it is 35% off.
This is what it is called on Amazon. Brabantia Lift-O-Matic Outdoor 4 Arm Clothesline Height Adjustable, Folding Clothes Drying Rack + Ground Spike & Cover, 197 Feet, Metallic Gray
I really like it, it is important to make sure to level it when putting it in the ground. It was not difficult to do just make sure to level it. We did this when we put it in the ground and we have not had any issues with tilting or any issues at all.
Laura I bookmark where I left off on my toolbar and then I always know. Hope this helps!
I'm very curious about the style of clothesline that maybe someone can help me with. How do those hold more laundry? I'm sorry it's a silly thing to ask, but I've never seen one in person because my grandparents and parents always had just a line of rope and we have that too. I'm assuming it's the volume?

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