About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Comments On Article: New Forum Is Up And Running Now

1,696 posts (admin)
Sun Dec 25, 22 6:57 PM CST

If you would like to share your comments for article New Forum is up and running now, this is where to do it! 

Click the Reply To This Topic button below to post yours.

2 posts
Sun Dec 25, 22 7:10 PM CST

Thanks for setting this forum up for everyone!  God bless!

378 posts (admin)
Sun Dec 25, 22 7:13 PM CST

Thank you Amanda for signing up to the forum. I hope everyone can find us.  God Bless you too.

23 posts
Sun Dec 25, 22 7:34 PM CST

I'm signed up and excited for this New Year of Living Like the Past in the 30's. I have a hubby who is not so much into history and likes his modern comforts. So, I will be living vicariously through all you who are able to really live like the past. But there are things I can do to change my life for the better and that is what I plan on doing. 

Happy New Year to All~

378 posts (admin)
Sun Dec 25, 22 7:57 PM CST

Hi Darlene, I am so happy that you signed up and it is good that you are reading along and there is much information that you will be able to take away from the study. Some people do the study and some do not but there is still much to learn just from reading the blog.    

My blog will be the same, I will be posting photos of our home and garden just like usual, sharing our experiences here at home and up at the Myrtle, only we are a wee back further in time. :)  

6 posts
Mon Dec 26, 22 5:17 AM CST

A Forum! What a wonderful idea! Thank you!

Miriam in Finland

87 posts
Mon Dec 26, 22 9:05 AM CST

I think a forum is a great addition to your website, and I'm excited about the opportunity to connect with other readers:)

Keeping it simple in the woods of Michigan.
4 posts
Mon Dec 26, 22 3:47 PM CST

Thank you so much for starting this forum! I am looking forward to the new study during the early 30s. That era has always fascinated me and I wish I had asked my grandmothers more about that time.

29 posts
Mon Dec 26, 22 4:38 PM CST

I hope I can keep up.  I'm not very tech savvy!

1 posts
Wed Dec 28, 22 1:52 PM CST

Hi GDonna et al

I am a ‘fully signed up’ member too now. Such a great idea. Thank you. I am looking forward to discussion and sharing ideas. 
And- in spite of it being another techno challenge- I would value a ‘search’ tool for your wonderful and fabulously useful blog, GD. If I could just type in ‘sourdough starter’ or ‘laundry soap’ or growing zucchini’ or something I was looking for and have the relevant pieces of your writing come up that would be so useful. Maybe something for the future. 
Meanwhile- we are heading to the Depression years of the past ( while coping with the current dip!)

18 posts
Wed Dec 28, 22 4:53 PM CST

I am so excited for this upcoming project!  Like Darlene R, my husband won't be participating so I'll be joining in just by myself.  I did the 1943 project last year to the extent that I could but got waylaid by a family emergency and had to put it on pause.  I'm hoping for a better experience this year!  Thank you so much for this forum!

378 posts (admin)
Wed Dec 28, 22 5:09 PM CST

Hi Lynne J,  I am so happy that you are here with us in the forum.  I hope your second chance can work out for you and no more family emergencies.  :)

10 posts
Sat Dec 31, 22 10:00 PM CST

Hello Donna and everyone!  I've just signed up to the forum to support my dear friend, Donna, and to be a part of this new forum. It's a good thing to talk to like-minded people and to share what we know. I'm sure I'll get to know you all as I visit here in future days.  Good luck to everyone who is diving right into the new 1930s project.

378 posts (admin)
Sat Dec 31, 22 10:21 PM CST

Hi Rhonda, I am so happy that you are here. :)  This is wonderful to have you here, feels like I just had a knock on my door and opened and squealed with delight of seeing a wonderful friend arrive. If I could show bouncing,  that would be me bouncing up and down. :)  We have a wonderful group of people that are very excited that this study is finally starting and oh my do they have some great 1930s profiles and schedules!  We have so much to learn this year. :)

81 posts
Sat Dec 31, 22 10:22 PM CST
Rhonda H wrote:

Hello Donna and everyone!  I've just signed up to the forum to support my dear friend, Donna, and to be a part of this new forum. It's a good thing to talk to like-minded people and to share what we know. I'm sure I'll get to know you all as I visit here in future days.  Good luck to everyone who is diving right into the new 1930s project.

Oh hello Rhonda, it's so wonderful to have you here!  I remember way back when you first had your forum!  (And before that too!)

10 posts
Sun Jan 01, 23 12:20 AM CST

DONNA: It's great being here, Donna. There are some very interesting members here and quite a few names I recognise. I'm sure I'll enjoy my visits.

KIMBERLY F:  Yes, Kimberly you've been visiting me for many years. It's good to see you here. 

Edited Sun Jan 01, 23 3:37 PM by Rhonda H
23 posts
Mon Jan 02, 23 1:37 PM CST
Rhonda H wrote:

Hello Donna and everyone!  I've just signed up to the forum to support my dear friend, Donna, and to be a part of this new forum. It's a good thing to talk to like-minded people and to share what we know. I'm sure I'll get to know you all as I visit here in future days.  Good luck to everyone who is diving right into the new 1930s project.

I hate to bother you, Rhonda, but Blogger won't let me see your blog and tells me it is invite only. Is this true or is it a glitch? I enjoy reading the old posts and they feel new again. I appreciate any help.


81 posts
Mon Jan 02, 23 1:45 PM CST

Darlene, Rhonda posted on Instagram that she would be taking down the blog for a couple of days to change the template and tidy things up, but she will be back :) 

378 posts (admin)
Mon Jan 02, 23 2:46 PM CST

Thank you Kimberly for explaining that.

23 posts
Mon Jan 02, 23 3:53 PM CST
Kimberly F wrote:

Darlene, Rhonda posted on Instagram that she would be taking down the blog for a couple of days to change the template and tidy things up, but she will be back :) 

Thanks, Kimberly, I don't do Instagram. I was confused.   ;-)

29 posts
Wed Jan 04, 23 3:54 PM CST

I'm excited to be part of this new forum Donna and also Happy New Year to you and Charles !!. I've only just made it back here after a busy Christmas and family staying. I look forward to reading back through all the posts I've missed and reading how people are getting on with the new study :) Blessings to you - Linda

Edited Wed Jan 04, 23 3:57 PM by Linda - The Little Homestead
21 total messages
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