About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Questions and Answers Flu and Sickness

September 6, 2017

I was emailing with a blog friend and was informed that flu has been pretty bad this year in parts of Australia.  They are in winter when we are in summer so our flu season will be starting up soon.

I was talking about what I do in our house with the flu and that I have a flu box and she asked me if I would do a post.

In the past people were very cautious and more serious about sickness.  Many of my older family members would make poultices and such to go on the chest and people were isolated.  It seems more care was taken.

Just look at the way nurses and dental hygienist dressed in the past and were expected to be crisp and clean.  They took great care to not spread germs.  Now everything is more casual and hard to identify medical staff.

This is a very special family photo and I ask you to not copy or use this picture. I feel that it is important to show how much change there has been through the years and possibly we should consider going back to basics.

In the bottom of our closet I have this plastic container.  I don't like plastic but I use it for this.  I keep medical gowns, shoe covers, masks, peroxide, bleach, rubber gloves in this kit I made.  I have gotten very sick with flu several times and one time I almost didn't get through it.  I insist that we take precautions.

In the top of the closet I keep a vaporizer.

I buy my medical items off of Amazon and some things from a medical supply and the link for that is  http://www.dixieems.com/

I do not use the items in the box unless there is sickness because I don't want to be out of anything should the need arise.

The shoe feet covers are in case there has been vomiting and such so the germ does not leave the area when cleaning.

I keep essential oils that can be used for certain things.  I don't what to go into that here, I advise good books for that.  

I am not a germ phobic but I worked in hospitals and out patient for many years and I know how germs spread and they can spread just as easily in the home.  I try to contain it so others do not get sick and so I can protect myself so I can care for Charles should he get sick. I also consider others when I am sick and will do anything I can to prevent someone else from getting sick.

I believe in rubbing the feet when one is sick.  Preferably washing the feet of the one that is sick and then massaging the feet with lotion or coconut oil then washing the feet again. This helps with relaxation and reflexology.

I also always try to keep fresh ginger around and if not frozen ginger that I sliced and put in the freezer.  Fresh is best and very good to make a good ginger, honey and lemon tea when sick.

I also keep canned soup even though I prefer fresh made soup but sometimes there is a need for canned soup.  I also keep plenty of applesauce.

I keep an inexpensive bucket in case of vomiting and in the top of our closet we store our vaporizer.  Then we have a medicine cabinet with assorted standard medications such as tylenol, menthol etc. 

Sometimes sickness requires a trip to the hospital so I keep a bag ready in the bottom of the closet too.  One time I was admitted to the hospital after being in the emergency room.  I had my dirty gardening clothes on.  I had no clean underwear or socks or anything and I was really wishing I had brought a bag with  my own gown and clothes but there was not time to pack one.  Now I carry a clean pair of panties and socks in the bottom of my purse so at least I could have clean undies under a clean hospital gown and I keep this bag packed with a few things for both Charles and I.

We try to be as sustainable as we can and have the things we need to take care of ourselves.  That is a good thing to do.

Take Care, Grandma Donna

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