Being frugal does not have to be painful. There are many ways to cut back and one way is to do a reverse home makeover. We needed to make changes to our home to help us go back to basics. Then we decided to use more outdoor space and we went back to old fashioned way of doing things.
Our Great Grandparents, Grandparents, Parents, Aunts and Uncles would tell us stories how things were when they were growing up, how hard times were, how they lived without electricity or running water. They also lived through the Great Depression.
Many people are going through difficult economic times and they are finding themselves running out of money well before the next payday is due.

Listed below are some of the changes that we have made at our house and I will make different pages for "How to” as I have the time.

* We shop with re-usable cloth bags and allow a few plastic bags so we can use them for garbage instead of the expensive ones. I placed a small bucket in the bottom of our regular kitchen garbage can and place the store plastic bags inside the smaller can. This way our little dogs will not get into our garbage.

* We keep a rotating pantry so we do not have to rush out to buy groceries and buy in bulk what we can being careful to not overbuy so there is no waste.
* We eat our leftovers which makes us more careful about cooking smaller portions otherwise we will be eating the same food day after day.


First worm bin

Our new old recycled barrels

Installing faucets to barrels

Hoses were connected to the bottom of the barrels. The rainwater runs out into the garden.