We had a break from posting with the diaries because one of our diary writers, Lena, was in the hospital, now we will be picking up from where we left off with both diaries.
To read these diaries from the beginning of the diary, look on my blog in the menu, "Living like the Past" and search for January 1, 2022 post. I hope someday to get all of my diary posts listed on the sidebar. I do have some of the diaries in there now but I need to work on that quite a bit more.
So now we pick up from where we left off with Lil and Bob's 1943 diary.
Friday, September 17, 1943. SUnshine but cool - Done the ironing & mending- Bob home early.
Saturday, September 18, Fine day - Bob home early - Up town to shop - Bob Ambuster called in the eveing.
Sunday, September 19, Hot Day - 95 degrees - Slept late - Bob up for Chronicle - cut lawns & washed car.
Monday, September 20. Hot day. 103 degrees on porch & 90 degrees in house - Bob Up Town to exhange batting for Richards old car.
Tuesday, September 21. Another hot day - 104 degrees - To Larkspur was it hot? Home after Sundown - Jack Frahm's Birth day.
Wednesday, September 22. Another hot day 104 but cloudy & cooler this Eve. Bob walked from S. Station left car returned for it 5:05
Thursday, September 23. Cooler today - watered all yards in a.m. worked Nuco - Bob home ten to one - up Town to do shopping.
Now on to see how Lena and her son Richard are doing.

We are continuing the diary of Lena and her son Richard. We left off where Lena had a bad foot/leg ulcer or something like that and was suddenly sent to the hospital.
Friday September 17, 1943. Came home from the Hospital today. Richard got Mrs. Lang to come up. Seems good to be back and will have to get adjusted as I've been away 3 weeks. Cat was pretty glad to see me as he wants to stay in my lap but they don't think I aught to have him. Have 3 weeks or more blank. In the hospital 3 weeks and practical nurse over a week. Such a waste of time.
Saturday, September 18. Not much to write about Haven't done much around but will soon be able to get around I hope as I hate to have Richard paying $2.00 a day for help and thinks a nice day. I changed the water in the fish and tried to find some chick weed but there isn't any but a lot of sorrel. Went down in the garden and got my white stockings all black and found some corn and tomatoes and got some carrots.
Sunday, September 19, Richard lighted the oil stove also made a fire in the furnace and I took my starch bath over the oil stove and got up I do not know the time but fairly early and had breakfast then later wrote letters. Richard went down and built a fire in the furnace wood and put in a chunk but it was so hot I had to open the doors and window and go out of the kitchen where I am now. I think he is a little too jealous keeping the house so hot.
Monday, September 20. Mrs. Lefoe did the washing this morning and I didn't help any but called the oil man and wrote a card of thanks to the Landmark and to the Rebekahs etc. Had pearl go over street and quite a lot of errands Bot 3 boxes of chocolates for my 3 favorite nurses who did the most for me and got some cards for some of the patience must do some more tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 21. Walked over street this morning and got some cards to send to the girls I sent the candy too. The Ben Franklin Store had just what I wanted.
Wednesday, September 22. I took over this afternoon and Mrs. Lefoe went home Think she had a bad cold and better go. I was very glad to and think I'll get along alright.
Thursday, September 23. Went to west Lebanon and got a haddock and fried it for dinner leaving enough for a chowder. Got pretty tired but it didn't hurt me any.
End of this week's diary readings, that Lena, she sure is something isn't she? I wish I had known her. Grandma Donna