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Hi one and all, I do agree with all you have said, and to live the country life is a good one, "Not every ones idea of the perfect life but it is ours, It is the simple things that i like,
Let me give you an idea from to days example, We have two old rescue dogs and both have age problems such as long fast walks our a thing of the past "they just can not do the three mile walks now, but a short slow walk is all they need, As we leave our old farm property we have a choice, turn left and you walk down a track to the river, turn right and you come to the old track that has a woods on one side and fields on the other, In these field the cow's are and every day they come over to the fence to see the dogs and join our walk as we pass their section of the first field and they stop when they come to the section of fence that ends their field, the next field has sheep in it and again the young Lambs come to see the dogs,
Once we turn around and go back towards "home" we again come to the field with the cow's in and once again the waiting cows walk with us (on their side of the fence) until we come to end of their field and we turn down the track towards our home, We see very few people "except the farmer or the post lady driving past, It's these daily events and fresh air we call country living, the smoker was lit today and the chicken smoked for supper, again the smell of smoking and the peace perfect peace feel just can not be better,
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