Comments On Article: As The Season Of Fall Nears
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Mrs. Laura Lane of Harvest Lane Cottage wrote
I read several posts today to catch up. I have one more day of substitute teaching, then I'm going to take a few weeks off. My daughter is getting married. ~smile~
I hope to do a few rooms proper while I'm off!
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Judi wrote
Hi Donna I am going to add following you on instagram, how exciting. It is good to have a routine for our housework and it helps to understand that we should forgive ourselves if something comes up and we can't do that days work- knowing it will get done next week.
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Kelly Jensen wrote
First to comment! So glad you have a comment section in your blog now! I’ve been reading your blog for years and I just love it. You have such helpful suggestions and wisdom. Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us.
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Pam wrote
My house is a muddle of moving cases to squeeze between at the moment. Two floors have to be re-laid, and repairs done on the kitchen also a new wood burner has to be put in. I look so forward 'till the dust settles and I can make things clean and cosy again. We are 5 people, two dogs and two cats. Feeling rather overwhelmed :-)
Blessings, Pam in Norway
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Glenda wrote
Thank you for this wonderful post. I have been overwhelmed and struggling to figure out a good routine to keep this house clean and organized. I will be using your routine to see if it will work for me; again, thank you.
Our 3600 square foot home with a very large garden filled yard is really too much upkeep for two older people in their 70's with health issues. We are, at present, working on a plan for some reduction of garden work and food preserving next year.
I like the decluttering aspect added to the cleaning of each room. This helps keep the rooms continually decluttered. You are a blessing, Donna.
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Mandy White wrote
I have been reading your blog for years and it is always calming and encouraging to me. Something steady in this unstable world. Thank you for sharing with us and I’m happy you have an Instagram now so I can share your posts. I just followed you there.
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Katherine Minaker wrote
Oh I am learning so much from you! I used to do all the vacuuming at once through-out the house and that exhausted me. Now I am putting the house into small areas to clean better. It is a small house thankfully. I am 69 and always learning a better way. Mostly from you. Thank you so much!
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Darlene Roudebush wrote
Hello ~
I like to read other routines and see if any of it may help me do better. Since we all have different lives, it is not a "one size fits all". But bits and pieces of what works for you, may help me out, too. I do agree with you that doing things in smaller blocks of time is helpful. And I understand what you mean about being "disorganized from organizing". I would get so focused on trying to organize one area of the house, that everything else suffered from neglect. I find I get more done by doing "baby steps" for pretty much everything. Little blocks of time and work gets more done more often that trying to do it all at once.
Best wishes to you and Charles.
Darlene from Ohio
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Grandma Donna wrote
FROM: Grandma Donna
LAURA, Best wishes to your daughter & your soon-to-be Son-in-law.
JUDI, Yes, we should forgive ourselves if we cannot get something done. We can get it done next time around or the next time around again. :)
PAM, It sounds like you have a lot to do but oh it will be so nice, and the dust will settle, but come back again. :)
KELLY, and I thank you for being a long-time reader of this blog. I am happy that we have a comment section too. :)
GLENDA, I hope your new routine will work well for you, you have a lot of square footage to take care of. I hope you figure out how to make the garden a bit easier, if you figure it out let us know. :)
MANDY, Thank you for being a long-time reader of this blog and thank you for sharing my posts on Instagram.
KATHERINE, it does get more difficult to clean our home as we age, doesn't it? I too tire from vacuuming and another reason to change my routine. I hope your change to working in small areas at a time will be better for you. Donna
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Grandma Donna wrote
FROM Grandma Donna
Darlene, It is funny when I realized how disorganized I had gotten from organizing. We just keep trying. :)
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Ann lee s wrote
Donna..just a little note saying our food ads today pricing Robin Hood plain white flour now $17.95 for 5 kg. (About 10 pounds)
Many folks will be learning more frugal simple ways as we progress through this recession. Thankfully I had two bags put away in freezer which helps for a while. Ann lee in Canada.
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Grandma Donna wrote
ANN LEE, thank you for sharing that with us, we all need to be thinking of what we will do if some of our staples become difficult to afford.
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Tania wrote
Hello Grandma Donna,
I love the idea that we can now comment on your blog. You offer so much encouragement to us and it is so good that we can thank you for all you do in return.
I have been practicing your method of One Room Proper for a while now and find it works very well. It is good to be able to keep up with the household chores without feeling overwhelmed. Keeping up with things regularly is the way to go.
It has been so lovely to see you on Instagram although I am not on there a lot of the time. Your posts pop up when I do sign in so I don't miss too many.
Many blessings to you,
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Little Penpen wrote
You really should write a book. Each blog post is a like a new delicious chapter of homey goodness! You help me to enjoy being at home!
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Debby in Kansas USA wrote
Hi Donna, I have a similar cleaning system. When first married, I used to clean the entire house in one day. When I found flylady, that was an eye opener. My house is now in zones. A different zone every day for routine and every week for the extras. This particular week is Zone 3, the 3 upstairs bedrooms, which are an office, a craft room, and our bedroom. It really does help keep everything in order. I had COVID last month so now I'm just picking up right where I am and nothing is too bad. Routine allows unplanned breaks because it'll come around again in a month.
I always have one 'declutter' day to tame my youth accumulation!!
Thanks for the great blog!! I hope your weather is cooling. Ours certainly isn't! We're heading for the hundreds yet again next week! Ugh!!
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Gail wrote
I have been reading your blog for years and always find it so calming and inspiring. I love the idea that we can now comment on your blog posts. I practice a similar One Room Proper method and at my age it makes it easier to keep the house clean and tidy.
Blessings to you and Charles,
Gail from Ohio
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Lana wrote
We are just like you in that we have an older house and it needs constant monitoring and care. We are going to be doing the walk around the outside looking for what needs attention before winter very soon. We have to do our chores in small bites as well. It feels so good when we can get a drawer or a shelf cleaned out and sorted and it does not tire us. I really enjoy your YouTube videos. They are so peaceful and beautiful.
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Danielle wrote
Like many others in this comment section, I have been following your blog for several years (maybe 2014?) I want you to know how much your blog and your stories have meant to me. They have been a calm amidst the storm. I look forward to reading each entry. I use an RSS, and for some reason it stopped delivering your posts, and I was so worried that you had stopped!
I, too, do my own variation of One Room Proper and it is a lifesaver! I don’t feel overwhelmed with an entire house to deep clean. Each day I have only one room that gets major attention. Having a schedule and keeping organized is some thing that helps me stay on track and ensures that the things I want to get done, get done.
Danielle from Massachusetts
PS: be careful on Instagram! It’s easy to get sucked in. It took me years to disentangle myself from that app.
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Mrs. Kiwi wrote
Dear Grandma Donna, what a lovely surprise to read about your new comment section. I always look forward to your posts. They leave me feeling encouraged and peaceful.
I enjoyed seeing your collection of cleaning brushes. Although we live on opposite sides of the world, they remind me of my own little brush collection!
With love from,
Kelly (Mrs. Kiwi)
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Paula Alexandra Santos wrote
Hi, Grandma Donna!
As always, your posts have inspired me to do better. When I worked outside the house, I used to clean one room each day. I did it when I arrived from work at the end of the day and on the weekends, I would do the laundry, the vacuuming and the mopping.
Because I'm now at home and have more time to do everything, I sometimes leave somethings that should be done today, to do tomorrow, but the next day something happens that sets me of course and things start to pile up.
Then, I try to do everything at once and I get behind on other things, because I was so disorganized due to organizing, like you wrote.
Thank you SO much for being an inpiration and have a wonderful weekend!
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Kathy T wrote
I love that we can leave comments now! I've been reading your blog for about 6 years now, and I appreciate your sharing with us. I love the "Living Like The Past" series. I also have been making your homemade noodles recipe, and everyone loves when I make them. Now off to go watch your videos. :)
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Felicity Anne wrote
Hello G Donna
I am glad you have added a section so we readers can comment. Thank you. It means a lot to me to read these as well as your posts and see how that others around the world are thinking similarly to me and living simply.
We live in the south of New Zealand near the bottom of the world and have recently moved to a larger property with a lot of work to do in the garden to make it tidy again and productive. The house is good enough (an expression I have come to like a lot lately) and we have cleared out a lot of unnecessary things cluttering our lives. From here our focus is on growing food although we love flowers and pretty trees and shrubs too and we have a lot here we are gradually finding again.
Our days are simple- we eat simple food cooked at home and wash our clothes ( always hanging them to dry outside) and keep the house clean and tidy. We have a large wood burner to heat our home and my husband chops firewood every day and keeps it going. We are coming into Spring here on our side of the world, soon the fire will be cleared out and cleaned ready for Autumn when we will be pleased to light it again.
We live near a large native forest with views to the mountains which are still quite covered with snow. We have a lot of birds around - many are NZ birds: bellbirds and tuis for instance. They each have very distinctive songs and just now many are calling for their Spring mate. They remind me each day of the round of life we are all part of. It is simple. Birds focus on the important things: food, warmth, shelter, companionship. I am grateful to have those things and they are good enough.
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Lady Locust (JL ????) wrote
You will laugh at me which is fine, but I think of you when I am vacuuming dust bunnies from corners or cleaning dust from my window tracks ???? We had been gone a lot for the past 4-6 weeks and I got behind. Last weekend I began "digging in." I made good headway and am hoping to come full circle by the time this weekend is over. My kitchen is a hot mess right now so I think it will be priority.
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Terri C wrote
I'm constantly saying these days that I work best in 'little bites' to get big jobs tackled. I like your One Room method and shall be adopting it. And I went to join your instagram. Hoping this goes through. Last time I commented the computer refused to accept that 2 +2 equaled 4
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Cindy wrote
Grandma Donna, I'm so glad you have a comment space now. I have been following you for several years, and I turn to your blog often for inspiration and motivation. I grew up in a wonderful family, but I didn't really learn how to work hard, and consequently have spent years trying to teach myself a good work ethic. I'm amazed and inspired by your hard work and how much you accomplish. I especially appreciate that its all presented without the common "hustle" vibe. Instead of pinterest-worthy homemaking pressure, you show us a picture of calm, steadying, old-fashioned hard work with lots of beauty and peace mixed in. Thank you so much!
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Grandma Donna wrote
From Grandma Donna
Thank you all for the comments, I have read all of them. I am behind answering because we were working on the tiny house. I will be back to replying soon when I get caught up with housework. :)
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Deborah in Florida wrote
Grandma Donna, I have been reading and following your blog for a few years now and have learned so much from you. I am inspired by you and want to do more simple, older ways of living. My family is not so much on board with it, so I continue to slowly weed out unnecessary things. I would be interested in reading a post about budgets of yesteryears. Thank you for all the encouraging posts you write. I look forward to reading more and watching more videos on you tube. Hugs Deborah
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Grandma Donna wrote
From Donna
Deborah, you are wise to continue to slowly weed out the unnecessary things. We can make many changes in a slow way as keeper of this home :)
I will see what I can put together about the the budgets of yesteryears :)
I am happy that you are reading along and watching the youtube videos.
I hope that your area is spared by hurricane Ian. You can send me a personal email at any time if you need quick ideas during a power or water outage. Look in my contact section for more information or send email to
Love and prayers for you safety, Donna
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Diamond wrote
Oh my goodness, a comment section! About halfway through this article I thought, “I wonder if she’ll add comments one day to her posts? I’d hate to bother her over email about what soap she uses lol ????” the elation I felt when I read your announcement at the end!!!
My grandma is 73 today and just like you, keeps learning new things and really amazes me at how open-minded she is at her age compared to her peers. I bought her some cloth napkins the other week and she said it made her feel like a girl in the South again :) Someone below said your posts are like enjoying something “delicious” and I couldn’t agree more. I really feel comforted and find a sense of belonging when I’m here. Thank you for being you ???? Diamond
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Grandma Donna wrote
From Grandma Donna
Hi Diamond, :) I am happy about the comment section too. Tell your grandma that I said Happy Birthday! Or have her read this, Happy Birthday to Diamond's Grandma :)
I am happy that people seem very comfortable when they are here, I want it to be like coming home.
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Liji wrote
Your blog is the best place to be online, for me. It's peaceful and motivating at the same time, and always makes me feel like doing something around my home or garden. I admire your simple ethos of working hard to keep home sweet and wholesome, finding adventure in loving and caring for family and others, and developing self-control to achieve these goals. Blessings always! Love, Liji.
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Andrea wrote
I love the new comment section because I feel close to the people in the comments and it's comforting to know how many of us do the same sorts of things and live the same ways. I realized after reading this post I'm going to make some changes in my one room proper schedule because all it seems to take is one week of a schedule getting out of whack and I have a hard time catching up or at least it seems like it. I really enjoy all the tips and tricks you always post about. I learn something new in each post.
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I love how your house looks. I like old solid furniture much more than modern furniture. Now I just have to learn how to keep it all clean.

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