About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Comments On Article: This Week, In A Picture Diary.

1,695 posts (admin)
Thu Oct 06, 22 11:00 AM CST

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 5:02 AM CST

Pam wrote

It is all looking lovely Donna, you are both doing a really great job. Is it a quiet place? Do you hear forest sounds?
We have been changing out our very bad old kitchen here this week, and replacing it with a second hand one I found online. What a mess and we are both feeling very tired. It will be worth it though, once we are done.
Blessings, Pam in Norway

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 8:47 AM CST

Karen wrote

The pictures were beautiful Donna, and the names if the roads just delightful.
You worked SO hard making those steps and the work being undertaken inside Myrtle one can see how much progress you and Charles are making.
Back home to regular life you are still working hard. I have pattypan squash about to be planted also for my Spring garden. Your posts are always eagerly awaited each week. Thank you for the gift of your time to write them for us.

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 8:59 AM CST

Carol wrote

Grandma G you and Charles are such an inspiration. I have wrote a couple of letters before and you were always gracious to answer. This summer we moved from our older house in Christiana, TN to a small farm in Ethridge, TN. I am still working and we are figuring out where we want the garden and the fruit trees to go in for next year. When I feel that there is not enough hours in the day I think of all that you get accomplished and I am inspired to keep going. Thank you for all that you share with us.
God bless.

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 9:05 AM CST

Hilogene in Az wrote

What great progress on the tiny house! Congratulations. And the photos of the drive were lovely. I nodded when I read your comment about Charles still working and doing extra jobs helps motivate you as well. There are days when I see my husband being very productive and it spurs me to get up and get going ;). Thanks for the update on your tiny home.

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 9:31 AM CST

Kathy T. wrote

Great job on those steps! I love your little tiny house - such a nice place to get away to. Almost like a playhouse to fix up!

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 9:51 AM CST

L. wrote

Beautifull, thank you to let us look into your life, you're interesting, inspiring, unique.

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 4:15 PM CST

Victoria wrote

Looks like things are coming along quite well. Your steps are going to be so useful and I'm impressed with your work on them. I can imagine how your muscles must have let you know that you had given them a real workout! It will be nice when all this is done and you can enjoy your time there with your relative and not just work! I imagine that you are a lot of company for her and it's good that you can (and will) do this to help her.

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 5:07 PM CST

Susan Kaye wrote

How long is the drive from your home to the tiny house? You sure get a lot done ina day! You go girl!!

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 5:13 PM CST

Grandma Donna wrote

Susan, it is about an hour and 15 minutes each way.

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 8:37 PM CST

Darlene from Ohio wrote

Oh, Donna...my back just hurt looking at the photos of the steps you made. That is some backbreaking work, but oh so nice when done. I bet they will be great for all to use...especially the girls.

I had to smile at the comment that Madge said she misses you both when you are gone. I am sure she would love to have you there every day. Some day you will be able to be more comfort for her.

Myrtle is coming along so well. You are right about the memories you are making. It's a lot of hard work, but doing it yourself is priceless.

I have started my own version of "one room proper" here and at my mom's house. It is working out and I am going to keep it up. It makes it all so much easier to do, just a bit more each day and if I have to skip a day, there's always next week. I used to get so discouraged when things would not go right, but now, I just let it go knowing I will catch it next week. Thanks for your encouragement on housekeeping.

The photos of your scenery on the way to the lake are nice and calming. No wonder you like it there. I love the fields of cotton. Around here, it would be corn or soybean.

Take care,

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1,695 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 07, 22 8:48 PM CST

Mrs. Kiwi wrote

Dear Grandma Donna, thank you for sharing these pictures of Myrtle with us. I enjoyed seeing the progress of the steps. They are a beautiful labour of love.

With love from,
Kelly (Mrs. Kiwi)

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1,695 posts (admin)
Sat Oct 08, 22 2:24 PM CST

Jennifer wrote

Dear Grandma Donna, what a wealth of inspiration you are, hardworking, visionary…using every talent the Lord has gifted you. Thank you for all you and Charles share with us, your readers.

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1,695 posts (admin)
Sun Oct 09, 22 2:57 PM CST

Stephenie wrote

What a beautiful little home! Your garden is producing so well. I admire all that you and Charles do. You have invested wisely. Your life is so productive. What a pretty drive, as well.

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1,695 posts (admin)
Sun Oct 09, 22 10:05 PM CST

Kimberly wrote

I love your steps! Myrtle is looking amazing. Last year I re-did the room my daughter's share with the same bead board and it just really made a difference. I so wish we could could have a winter garden, even fall is tough in ND. We just had our first hard freeze the other day, house got awfully cold so I broke down and turned on the furnace. Now it's suppose to warm up again so I will have to turn it back down. Can't wait to see what you share next :)

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1,695 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 10, 22 3:02 AM CST

Linda wrote

It was so lovely to see an update on 'Myrtle and from what we've seen she's looking great'. Regards the step making, I can't believe you were outside with a pickaxe !! oh my :) You never fail to surprise me. The steps look great though. Take care and blessings to you ~ Linda

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1,695 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 10, 22 3:37 PM CST

Judy wrote

Oh everything looks so nice. The drive to Myrtle looks amazing such a pretty spot. Thanks for sharing

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1,695 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 10, 22 7:28 PM CST

Katherine Minaker wrote

Oh those steps look great! Such a job tho. Love how that little house is coming together. You both do such nice work. All the pictures are good to see and to follow along with you. I just picked my last green tomatoes as it is getting colder here at night. Pulled the plants also. I always get terrible blight on them but they are old heirloom varieties so have to put up with it. Left my last beans for seed to save and now they are done. Still have loads of zinnias and other flowers blooming. No frost yet. Always looking forward to what you are doing next!

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1,695 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 17, 22 4:21 AM CST

Miriam in Finland wrote

Oh how charming names! Roaming Horse Road and Flying Geese Road/Bridge! And Myrtle looks wonderful!

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