About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Comments On Article: Taking A Break

1,687 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 14, 24 5:25 PM CST

If you would like to share your comments for article Taking a break, this is where to do it! 

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25 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 5:42 PM CST

So sorry your Katie has crossed the rainbow bridge. Our pets are so much a part of our lives and it is difficult when they pass away. Thinking of you and sending much love! 

1 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 5:43 PM CST

GDonna, I am so very sorry to hear about your beloved Katherine.  Our pets are such a vital part of our lives and it is so heartbreaking when we have to let them go.  I don't know if you ever really get over the loss.  Please know that you and Charles will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Bobbi in Virginia

13 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 6:02 PM CST

Oh I am so sorry.  Please take all the time you need.

After going through Helene here I am all in favor of a safe hall.  I don't think I will ever forget that wind and twenty huge trees falling.  

19 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 6:05 PM CST

I am so sorry, Donna. It is absolutely heartwrenching when any four legged family member passes. I will be praying for you and Charles.

A big hug,


25 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 6:07 PM CST

Oh I am so very sorry about the loss of your little love Katherine! Such a cutie and she had a wonderful well loved life. Take all the time you need or want, we will all be patient and waiting for you when you are ready!  

103 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 6:18 PM CST

Sending love to you and Charles.

Praying for strength to accomplish what you want to do and comfort in your grief.

Karen NZ

23 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 6:32 PM CST

Loss is hard no matter what form it takes. I always have to step back and be away from others as much as I can, until I feel more able to cope.  Our two rescue puppies have been gone 8 & 9 years now and I still tear up when I think of them, I miss them so. They lived to be 16 and 18 years old, so we have many memories. 

Sending you both love and hugs and prayers~

4 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 6:48 PM CST

Dear Donna, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear Katie, and for all you are going through.  It is so hard to loose a beloved pet; they are part of our families.  I will pray for you and look forward to the day when you are ready to come back to your blog.

73 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 6:55 PM CST

I am so so sorry for your loss!  Katherine was beloved, as was always so evident in your blog posts.  We’ve lost five dogs over the years and my grief over the last one we lost (May 2023) still knocks me over at times

33 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 7:00 PM CST
Helper G wrote:

If you would like to share your comments for article Taking a break, this is where to do it! 

Click the Reply To This Topic button below to post yours.

So sorry for your loss. I will wait anxiously for your return 

1 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 7:35 PM CST

Much Love to you from Minnesota.    I have had so  many  fur babies and each one special   as they are all angels  keeping  us      knowing God's Love so well.    And somehow I have found no one  can really reach my pain but God, when  one of the passes on.   I know  our maker  created them for us    as co  workers for Him.   They are light-bearers  of love for us  and keep our hears warm and loving no matter what we face.  Your darling fur baby    is precious. I say IS PRECIOUS because she was created in SPIRIT.. and it is her SPIRIT that will show you  she is not really gone but only changed.  I tis the UNSEEN  that brings us our Faith... and we know God  has created  that baby  in his image and his likeness...... so  she is eternally there in SPIRIT even though you cannot see her or  touch her.   I have had  dogs and cats and horses and   animals who have passed give me a sign  they are still with me....so I trust you will have one or many signs from her   to tell you she is with you  still...and loves you  for always.  Lots of healing Love , In Christ. Merri in Minnesota and my Spirit cat , Bart

2 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 7:36 PM CST

I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I remember how devastated I felt , how lost. I’m praying for you and Charles.   

3 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 7:58 PM CST

I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved fur baby. I’ve been through that many times and it’s always hard. Prayers and hugs for you and Charles. 

8 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 8:11 PM CST

Hi Donna, you both are in my heart and prayers during this time.  You are blessed to have many folks who care about you and extending their sympathy and good wishes. 

Please take care during the projects. Remember to take time for meals and rest breaks. 

Sending gentle hugs from Colorado,


74 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 8:44 PM CST

I'm so sorry to hear about your Katherine.  She always looked like such a sweetie in photos.  

Good luck with your storm shelter.  I know a lady who reinforced one room as a tornado shelter herself, mostly by replacing the drywall with 3/4 inch plywood so debris can't impale it so easily.  Then at the top, bracing the walls apart with 2x6's and more plywood.  I think even regular half inch would be a lot better than drywall.  She also did something to bolt the walls down to the cement slab foundation, I believe, but I'm not sure exactly how.

Keeping it simple in the woods of Michigan.
31 posts
Mon Oct 14, 24 10:49 PM CST

I am so sorry to hear about Katharine's passing.  I have enjoyed your stories about your pets, and I can feel your love for them.   I understand completely how raw it must feel for you and Charles.  

We lost out little Nacho in June.  We adopted him from a rescue 9 years ago, when he was 6.  He came with a lot of attitude and some behavior problems, but that little guy and I bonded right away.  His little paw prints are all over my heart!   My husband and I miss him very much. We are currently fostering to possibly adopt a bonded pair of older chihuahuas.  They come with more problems than we were aware of.  It's been a real whirlwind, and we are not sure if we are going to adopt or not.  However, I worry that no one would adopt them, and that would be sad.

Good luck on your home project, and thank you for popping in to update us. 

Edited Mon Oct 14, 24 10:55 PM by Debbie (in PA)
20 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 12:07 AM CST

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. 

9 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 12:43 AM CST

Dear GDonna,
my sincere condolences for this terrible loss!
I am glad that you were able to spend so much quality time with Kathi. He will certainly have many wonderful memories.
I wish you a lot of strength for the coming period and look forward to the posts after the blog break.

Best wishes from Sibylle
Maybe we'll meet on my blog sometime?
29 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 2:34 AM CST

So sorry to hear of sweet Katherine’s passing, they are such a huge part of our lives and families so only right that we should grieve for them.

Take care of yourselves and we will all be here when you feel ready to post again

17 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 5:45 AM CST

Poor little doggy, I know your pain, but I am sure she's in dog-heaven now chasing cats and eating all the treats she wants.

6 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 5:53 AM CST
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Katherine. Our pets become part of the family and their loss is heartbreaking.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and Charles.  Take care of yourselves and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, For all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” 

Helen Keller

2 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 9:33 AM CST

It is so hard to lose a beloved family member. I hope your heart is comforted by many happy memories of Katherine and that the sadness is lessened with time. 

Good luck on your building! It always seems to take much longer than anticipated.

5 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 12:47 PM CST

AWat een verlies voor jullie. Veel sterkte . Groet uit????????❤️????????

5 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 12:48 PM CST

Nederland moet daar staan

26 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 1:25 PM CST

Oh, Donna, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Katherine.  That is such a hard thing to go through.  You and Charles loved her completely and gave her and the others good lives.  Praying comfort and peace for you two.  

2 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 1:31 PM CST

So sorry about your loss. </3 Take your time. We'll be back to read whenever you are feeling better.

28 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 2:16 PM CST

There are few sadder times in my life than when i lose a baby.  No kids and no family to speak of and these babies make my heart sing.  I love them to pieces.  Donna, you and Charles take care and know that you gave her a fabulous life and so much love.  She'll be waiting at the Bridge for you.

28 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 2:25 PM CST

Sad news, dogs give so much love.

41 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 2:53 PM CST
Helper G wrote:

If you would like to share your comments for article Taking a break, this is where to do it! 

Click the Reply To This Topic button below to post yours.

So sorry to hear about Katharine.  It's hard to lose an animal that has become a real member of the family over such a long time.  They take a little piece of your heart along with them.  You can however remind yourself that she had a good home with loving owners and a happy life. 

Love, Victoria 

76 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 3:14 PM CST

I was afraid this news was coming. 

You know, I've had some family losses lately, and a booklet I was given on grief pointed out that sometimes, a person we love can pass, but because we feel we have to "be strong" to handle all the arrangements, the estate, and such, we hold in our grief.  Then our pet can die and it can cause us to absolutely break down into a puddle over the loss of the pet.  It was suggested that the death of the people/person might be mourned with the death of the pet in our hearts, because with the pet's loss, we don't have to be strong and handle estates and funerals, we can just let ourselves grieve, something we didn't allow ourselves to do with the loss of the person, because we had so much to do. I hope that makes sense.  

Not that the loss of a pet isn't heart wrenching - it sure is.  Just that you and Charles have had some losses and difficult times already and you've both had to carry on in spite of them.  Perhaps losing your beloved little Katherine is finally giving you permission to grieve for ALL of it.  I say take the time you need and let your hearts grieve then heal.

1 posts
Tue Oct 15, 24 5:03 PM CST

So sorry for your loss, Grandma Donna and Grandpa Charles.

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