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We are in the path too. In GA. I am praying for all of us.
Good job on getting the carpet up! Doggies look lovely.
One thing I respect about you is the ability you seem to have that enables you to 'stay calm' amidst the storms of life. Peace amidst the hard times comes from experience in previous hard things. Cleaning out loved ones places and belongings is hard.
Your 'girls' will forgive you,and they look quite precious.
Today I baked a simple cake from a favorite 1941 cookbook. Delving into the oldways just feels right, and has a way of connecting the past to the future, doesn't it? The less drama is a gift.
Knowing you may not connect for a short while, be assured there are friends praying, D. [the little yellow knitting on your needles is my favorite pattern for wash and dish cloths..]
Offering prayers for all in the path! Here in the NC mountains we will have rain, wind, and flooding. We are ready!!! Be safe!!
I am praying for all in the path of the storm.
The dogs look so cute, and they will forgive you because they love you.
It is hard work scraping up carpeting but better than having it tacked down. I think the floors will clean up beautifully. It is exciting to see other peoples houses and the way you are bringing it back to life.
I will be in prayer for you and Charles, Donna. Also, for all in the path of the hurricane.
The hardwood floors will be so beautiful when refinished. It is truly hard to beat hardwood flooring. However, I am not a fan, at all, of tile. I do love linoleum for kitchens and baths.
Your sweet dogs look beautiful all groomed up. They will be okay after they are done letting you know they are miffed.
Many blessings and protection for you, Charles and your property.
Good afternoon,
I am just reading this post after a moving van just left our house with all of my mother-in-law’s belongings. She is moving in to a senior living facility and we are getting ready to move out of state. Life always seems to have big changes and big challenges.
Saying a prayer for your safety!
And I think those hardwood floors are going to be gorgeous
Hi Grandma Donna, thank you for the inspiration to keep chipping away, when the list of things to do can be overwhelming.
Thoughts and prayers with you and all who are in the path of Helene.
I look forward to your next post saying you are fine and the house and property are untouched.
Kellie in Australia
We in the path as well and are prepping away to be ready. We have 100 year old oaks near our house so we are praying for the trees to stay upright. I have been praying for everyone to be spared so I am adding you and all those here to that list. My sister is in Florida so I am very concerned for her.
The pups look beautiful and great work on the floors. Praying for you and all in the path of the storm to be safe and your homes protected
Will definitely keep you in my prayers~
Those floors are going to be gorgeous! Work well worth it. Take the storm time to recoup.
Sending prayers for everyone in the path of this storm especially Grandma Donna and Charles!
Prayers for everyone in the storm's path!!
You may want to get an estimate on having the floors refinished. I know there is a guy here who only charges a couple dollars a foot.
You are in my prayers. My 70 year old Aunt lives in St. Petersburg FLA, so you both need prayers. Please be very careful to protect your lungs and ears while sanding the glue and wood floors. It is very difficult not to inhale those chemicals and wood sandings. With my Asthma, I would hire someone to do that work and have the vent system cleaned as well. . They are sure to have the proper sanders with attachments to catch the particles, and wear proper protective equipment. That is just my 2 cents after working as a Respiratory Therapist for many years. You only have one set of lungs. Protecting them it neccessary.
Sending prayers your way!
I wonder if that was common to glue carpet to hardwood floors? What a shame, and a lot of work for you! Our house has hardwood floors as well, but they were carpeted for the majority of the years since this house was built. Still rough, especially in the bedrooms and high traffic areas. We hope to get them refinished someday
Blessings being sent from the UK for all in the path of the hurricane, may you all keep safe and your homes untouched.
I had to smile at the expression of the doggies faces, they really do look rather grumpy about being groomed :-) I’ve started using my close clippers on my spaniel, the same one that I use to tidy up my horse’s legs, they are very quiet so neither of my animals are that bothered by them.
Good morning! Praying for you, Charles and the dogs to be safe, and for the safety of all those in harm's way of this storm.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I live in Western Australia and we are in spring having just come out of a wet winter. Spring is cool but once we move into October it will warm up. I have to say I am not a fan of summer. Love autumn, winter (except for high winds) and early spring.
It looks like the center is going to pass really close to where you live. Stay safe!
This also brings up another factor to consider about which house to keep. Is either of them safer from hurricanes, due perhaps to being farther inland, or sheltered by natural landforms?
Keep safe. I can’t imagine living in a hurricane region. We are getting a little fed up of all the rain in The Midlands, England
You certainly worked hard on the floors, I know they will be beautiful when refinished. The girls look so pretty, their expressions made me laugh out loud.
Here in NC we are expecting rain, wind, flooding and potential power outages.Thoughts and prayers for you, Charles and everyone who is in the path of the storm.
You are in my thoughts, I hope all the best for you, Charles and the cute dogs. It‘s rainy and windy here but far away from a hurricane. Stay safe
Just checked the radar map. Looks like the hurricane is coming right at you. We will be getting some of the rain from that event which we really need after about 2 months of almost no rain at all. Hope you all come through unscathed and don't have any more damage to your house. Take care and let everyone know when things have settled down there. Love Victoria
Prayers for you and Charles, your children and grandchildren. For your property to be unscathed. All the skills you have for being prepared for emergencies will come into play. The Lord will watch over you and I pray His angels will encamp themselves around you. Sending love
On the NZ news just now it said the Hurricane has been downgraded from a Category 4 to a Category 2 as it's moving inland. Still considered dangerous but praise the Lord it's not as strong now.
I have a question regarding carpet maybe someone would be able to answer. When did it become the normal thing to do to put carpet over wood floors? Our grandparents had that done as well, but they have passed on so I can't ask them. I've heard various reasons for doing so, but it seems to me that wood is easier to keep clean. The floors will look great when done! Glad to see that hurricane has passed now. It was bad. The dogs looks great groomed. I had been curious about dog groomers in the past too. Our friend is opening up her own dog grooming business, but mobile. She's very good and has lots of patience.
Andrea B,
It's my understanding that wall to wall carpeting really took off in the 1950's, when synthetic materials and changes in manufacturing made it affordable to the masses for the first time. Prior to that, it had been a luxury of the wealthy (who probably paid other people to keep it clean) so it's no surprise the middle class rushed to get their own as soon as they could. I'm sure widespread electricity and affordable vacuum cleaners were also vital components to carpet coming into style, since you can't drag it outside and beat it like an area rug. It does seem kind of mind boggling that anyone would cover up perfectly good wood floors, but I think they just looked "outdated" and people were trying to keep up with the Joneses. Just like now, with hardwood back in style, a fully carpeted house looks outdated. Humans are such a silly lot. (Not that individual people can't have legitimate reasons for wanting carpet, such as keeping their feet warmer or muffling noise. I do sometimes feel houses have gotten louder since carpet went back out of style, but on the plus side, they look better and don't have that weird "carpet" smell.)
I agree! I do think though that houses have gotten louder for a couple of reasons I personally have noticed. The homes are BIG and the furniture doesn't seem to absorb the sound even the doors on homes since it's hollow. I would say too that people speak so much louder and all the electronics in homes is adding to the noise as well. I'm thankful my one set of grandparents never covered up their gorgeous floors with carpet. I remember always shaking off rugs and it was fun to see all the stuff fly off as a kid.

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