About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Comments On Article: Popping In For An Update

1,696 posts (admin)
Sat Aug 05, 23 6:53 PM CST

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30 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 7:13 PM CST

So good to hear from you! What a whirlwind!! Hope all the critters will make friends and you, Madge, and Charles recover and find some balance in your new lives!! 

4 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 7:20 PM CST

it is very, very good to hear from you! I was getting anxious that something had happened :( . You and your husband have extremely generous hearts. I hope all goes well with Madge and the new chapter in your life. Your thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and way of living are a beacon for me in this crazy world. Reading your blog is like a warm hug, and helps me focus on the way the world should be, it inspires me and what I can do to swim against the flow, and be an example of another, gentler, way of living, one that should never be lost. Thank you :

119 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 7:39 PM CST

Dear Donna.  It was precious to read your post and I'm sure we all understand where you are in your thinking.  Your time is so very limited with  Madge to take care of along with yourself and Charles. You getting rest as you need it is more important than being on your computer.  I will be praying for your changed home and life and I pray the Lord will bring a strong healing to Madge. Sincerely. Karen NZ

49 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 7:58 PM CST

So glad to hear from you.  It seems that everyone has been a bit concerned about your recovery.  Such a lot of changes that you and Charles are dealing with just now.  Madge is certainly lucky that you two are able and willing to take care of her.  I know that your time and energy are taken up now with changing routines and providing a place for Madge to stay.  Life seems to call for adjustments now and then so being flexible and open to change is of great importance.  Hope all of you are doing well now and adjusting to the new situation.  Take good care of yourself as well as the others since  I'm sure they depend on you to keep things organized and moving along smoothly.  You conserve your strength so that you will have it to take care of them.

Thinking of you often.  Write when you can but don't feel obligated.

Love, Victoria 

4 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 8:16 PM CST

So good to hear from you! It seems the Lord was preparing you for these unexpected changes as you were preparing for the changes your surgery would bring. What a blessing that you are able to take Madge in and care for her. Please also take care of yourselves. You will be in my prayers.


2 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 8:19 PM CST

I'm going through the same thing right now. Taking care of a stroke patient. Weary from care giving and the constant visits from all the therapists and nurses. I understand totally. God bless you. Praying for you all. 

30 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 8:19 PM CST

Definitely good to hear from you, gdonna. Take care of yourself as well as Madge and Charles; we know you are very busy at the moment with all the responsibilities of recovery for yourself and your loved ones. Pop in when you can; don't strain yourself. It will all come together in time. We'll be here for you. 

6 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 8:39 PM CST

I was just re-reading your previous post last night, as I needed some soothing photos and narrative. I appreciate the voice you have for writing and gently explaining things. I will keep you and your husband and family member Madge in prayer, especially for the routine and adjusting to living together. My parents in their early 70s are caretaking for my aunt in her early 80s. They haven't lived together, but many errands, medical trips including ER and care managing.

At my home, my family saw a wren keep a nest in a birdhouse under our deck (we have a walk out). It was very special to hear the babies chirping and mama coming and going to bring food for her young.

23 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 8:48 PM CST

As you can tell by the posts lately, we all miss you terribly. Thanks for letting us know what is going on in your corner of the world. Wow, a lot has been happening there. It's kind of funny, I was thinking of you and thinking of Madge, but not her having a stroke...just that you were staying with her. Sending prayers your way for healing and strength and patience. We all can use extra patience. ;-)

April 4th, my 88 year old Mom fell and dislocated her right shoulder. Yes, she is right handed. They popped it right back into place in the emergency room, but she has damage and very limited movement. We are in round two of physical therapy. She wants to be able to drive again and I think we both know that she will never do that again. So, that leaves me as head chauffeur. Life has become very busy here and I understand some of what you are dealing with. With a 50 year old Down's little brother and my Mom, I am always running someone somewhere. I am exhausted, but we do what we need to do. 

Life is not always easy, but we manage to get through it with love and faith. I know you have lots of both.  Take care and know you have lots of friends sending you lots of love. We all can read some more of your older posts to get our "GDonna" fix!



P.S. To all of you who enjoyed the fact that I won the wringer washer at the auction, my hubby and I use it every dry day. People think we are nuts to enjoy using a wringer washer, but it truly does bring us joy...and gets our clothes so much cleaner. We had to make out rules on who does what as we both want to do it all and we fight like two toddlers over it.  ;-)

2 posts
Sat Aug 05, 23 10:04 PM CST

Donna, thanks so much for the update. Will continue to pray for your healing as well as Madge. God bless you.

29 posts
Sun Aug 06, 23 3:55 AM CST

May God bless and help you and Charles right now as you not only look after your own health, but also help Madge. May He give you the strength and resources you need. What a blessing you both must be to her. Your in my prayers ~ Linda

5 posts
Sun Aug 06, 23 4:52 AM CST

What a relief to hear from you!  I am so glad that you and Charles are doing better.  It is a blessing for Madge that you are taking care of her, and I am sure the Lord will reward you for it. Take care of yourselves too.  That is a great danger when caregivers.  Thank you again for letting us know how to pray for you!  

42 posts
Sun Aug 06, 23 5:20 AM CST

It was so nice to read your post this morning. I was getting worried that you were not well. Please know the prayers haven't stopped.

Bless you and Charles for helping Madge. I'm sure it will take time but you will establish a new normal.

Take good care of yourselves!

31 posts
Sun Aug 06, 23 6:11 AM CST

Thank you so much for the update.  I kept checking in to see if you had posted anything.  Wow, how much chaos in such a short time.  I am glad that things are more stable now, even if the adjustments are still happening.  When my husband passed away last December, I visualized myself in a small boat in the middle of a storm on the ocean.  Lots of waves and getting tossed around,  I thought my mission was to stay in the boat and just survive the storm.   And give up any goals or thoughts about what my plans were…just drift along with the storm until it passed.   I am glad I thought that way because it helped me.   Sounds like you are in a similar storm, just trying to adapt to todays waves!   All the best, healing sparkles headed to Madge.  

48 posts
Sun Aug 06, 23 6:13 AM CST

So so glad to hear from you. It sounds like you’ve had a very difficult time and I’m so glad you’re ok and that everyone else is ok. I will pray for you and your family( I just started going to church again a few weeks ago). Love from England 

12 posts
Sun Aug 06, 23 6:44 AM CST

So glad to hear from you, and I am sending lots of good wishes your way.  May each day be a little bit better and bring health, recovery, and strength to you and your family.  Take the time you need to get through these days.  We're all here from all corners of the world holding you close in our thoughts and cheering you on.  


22 posts
Sun Aug 06, 23 7:03 AM CST

Thanks for the update!  I and lots of others have been thinking about you and sending some prayers.  Life can change so quickly but we all need to keep on keeping on.

31 posts
Sun Aug 06, 23 7:17 AM CST

Some more blessings being sent your way from England, you’ve certainly had more than your fair share on your plate to deal what with health issues and family commitments!
I really hope that things settle down for you very soon and that you can all find a new, happy routine including all those fur babies

58 posts
Sun Aug 06, 23 9:37 AM CST

Sooooo glad to hear from you!  Wow! With all your issues you're taking care of Madge and kitties!  Poor Charles!  Know I am praying for you all, but yet love that you have posted.  Be well and rest!

54 posts
Sun Aug 06, 23 1:16 PM CST

All I can say is "Oh My!"  I'm glad to hear you are "okay," but oh my!  Will pray for each of you and wish you (all 3 of you) speedy recoveries, rejouvenating rest, and many blessings.

24 posts
Mon Aug 07, 23 5:01 AM CST

I will add my thoughts and prayers to those of the others.  Indeed, it was a relief to see the posting, as I, too, had been checking periodically.  

I have been thinking about Bible verses that I've found helpful when in a caregiving role and thought I'd share a few of my favorites:

Matthew 25:40 - "And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of these of My brethren, you did it to Me.'"

Psalm 121:1-2 - "I will lift my eyes up to the hills - from whence comes my help?  My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth."

Matthew 6:34 - "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

I hope you find comfort in knowing there are many of us here in blogland thinking of and praying for you.

10 posts
Mon Aug 07, 23 1:41 PM CST

Dear Grandma Donna,

It was so good to hear from you. Like so many others, I was beginning to worry about you. I know that life and its changes can be very trying sometimes. I am continuing to pray for you and Charles and Madge. I pray for continued strength and healing and that you all will be able to settle into a routine that works for each of you.



60 posts
Mon Aug 07, 23 2:45 PM CST

I am so glad that you were able to post! I had begun to worry about you and wonder if maybe we wouldn't hear from you anymore. I hope that all of you will be able to rest and recover, especially you since women are generally the keepers of the home as well as the caregivers for others. I can't imagine all that you are going through right now. My thoughts are with you on a daily basis.

I am so glad that you have years of posts that we can enjoy whenever we want to find some calm and peace in this chaotic world.

Becky Sue

28 posts
Mon Aug 07, 23 10:42 PM CST

Donna, it is so good to hear from you and that you are doing well.  You and Charles are so kind to take Madge in and care for her especially after you just had surgery yourself, but it is in keeping with the values that you and Charles live by.  Lifting up prayers for strength and also for rest when it is needed.  You are so kind and generous; but let others pitch in and do their part.  Share the joy of caregiving with others and they will be blessed also and you won't have the whole load.  Love you both, take care.

38 posts
Tue Aug 08, 23 5:36 PM CST

So glad to hear from you and what a lot of work!  Please take care of yourselves. I am trying to add a new kitty to the household, so I know it can be difficult. Will be praying for your recovery

12 posts
Fri Aug 11, 23 11:47 AM CST

I am so glad I sat down today and checked in here. I have been wondering and worrying about you Donna as so many others have too! You have definitely made an impact in many lives all over the world. Prayers for you, Charles, Madge, and all your furry family members. You are such a dear person and such an inspiration. I'm planning to take some time and reread your older posts as they do help ground me in this crazy, chaotic world we are living in. God bless!

14 posts
Mon Aug 14, 23 5:26 AM CST

Hello GD

Lovely to find your post here and photos too! I send warm greetings and kindest wishes. I hope all 3 of you there find a comforting balance together that is just right and that there is harmony and health for you in every way. 
I hope the cats settle as best possible. And your dogs adapt too. 
Felicity in N

Edited Mon Aug 14, 23 5:27 AM by Felicity S
19 posts
Wed Aug 16, 23 8:23 PM CST

Oy! What you’ve been/are going through.  Dealing with heart issues can be enough without everything else you’ve been facing. 2 1/2 years ago I had open heart surgery to replace a valve that had always been bad. The doctors also repaired an aneurysm that had developed between my heart and my lungs. This was my 11th surgery, and except for a gallbladder surgery, it was the easiest to recover from. Our primary doctor said it’s because no muscles were cut. 
I do hope you’re all recovering from the massive heat issues. It’s been/is difficult for so many people. 

11 posts
Thu Aug 17, 23 3:53 PM CST

Dear Grandma Donna ~

So glad to receive your update.  You're dealing with so much on top of your surgery.  Please do take care of yourself and know that we are thinking of you and yours.  Get lots of snuggles from those precious pets and take time for yourself whenever you can.  


Another Donna x

17 posts
Thu Aug 17, 23 6:02 PM CST

Oh I have been thinking of you Grandma Donna, and checking in periodically. Im so sorry to hear about Madge's stroke, it's wonderful she has you both to help her. I can only imagine it is a big adjustment to make. Please take as long as you need to settle into a new routine and know we will all be here when you are ready. Playing for your home and all the people in it. 

Much love, Emma xx

23 posts
Thu Aug 17, 23 7:34 PM CST

Oh, that sounds so stressful.  I really learn from all of your posts.  We never know what is ahead as we age.  Pets can be a challenge if you are not strong and healthy enough to take care of them.  The heat is also something that can cause illness.  I notice that my scalp gets soaked if I walk around town when it is too hot.  It's better to go early or later when it's cool.  Hope things settle down for you soon.  Thank you for posting.

171 posts
Fri Aug 25, 23 12:12 PM CST

Hello GD, I finally got a chance to read the entire post and all the comments. Our family has been praying as well. It definitely will be an adjustment, but a good adjustment though in the end. It's such a blessing Madge has both of you because if not it would be a sad situation. We just talked last night that we have neighbors with no family within a 1000 miles and what are they going to do at their age? We can only wonder. What a blessing that you are able to stay home with Madge and not work. I'm so sorry to hear Charles got overheated. I will post a recipe that we have been using in the heat for a drink. It's helped us out tremendously and we even feel better afterwards. I hope the animals will all get along. You will continue to be in our prayers and thoughts. Much Love!

1 pint water

1/4 tsp ground ginger or a slice of fresh ginger

1/4 tsp lemon juice

good pinch of salt

1 Tbsp honey, maple syrup, brown sugar, or molasses

1 Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar with the mother

Can drink right away or the next day. This is a great drink even over winter to boost your immune system.

23 posts
Fri Aug 25, 23 1:03 PM CST
Andrea B wrote:

Hello GD, I finally got a chance to read the entire post and all the comments. Our family has been praying as well. It definitely will be an adjustment, but a good adjustment though in the end. It's such a blessing Madge has both of you because if not it would be a sad situation. We just talked last night that we have neighbors with no family within a 1000 miles and what are they going to do at their age? We can only wonder. What a blessing that you are able to stay home with Madge and not work. I'm so sorry to hear Charles got overheated. I will post a recipe that we have been using in the heat for a drink. It's helped us out tremendously and we even feel better afterwards. I hope the animals will all get along. You will continue to be in our prayers and thoughts. Much Love!

1 pint water

1/4 tsp ground ginger or a slice of fresh ginger

1/4 tsp lemon juice

good pinch of salt

1 Tbsp honey, maple syrup, brown sugar, or molasses

1 Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar with the mother

Can drink right away or the next day. This is a great drink even over winter to boost your immune system.

Thanks for this recipe. I had seen one like this, but can't remember where.   :-(

I will write this down and put it in my recipe box so I can find it when I want it.   ;-)

171 posts
Fri Aug 25, 23 2:14 PM CST
Darlene R wrote:

Thanks for this recipe. I had seen one like this, but can't remember where.   :-(

I will write this down and put it in my recipe box so I can find it when I want it.   ;-)

You are welcome! I eat it with popcorn, granola or something else that's quick and filling.

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