About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Comments On Article: Thank You For The Prayers

1,696 posts (admin)
Tue Jun 20, 23 7:14 PM CST

If you would like to share your comments for article Thank you for the Prayers, this is where to do it! 

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119 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 7:43 PM CST

oh so lovely to hear ftom you Donna and know all is well. 

Bless Charles and your family for sorting the tree out

With love 

Karen NZ

54 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 7:50 PM CST

So glad to hear you are home and well.   Sorry about your roof, but at least roofs are things that can be repaired.
Try to enjoy your down time though I’m guessing you’ll be itching to move furniture before you are allowed to ????

Prayers for a s

2 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 8:00 PM CST

So happy to hear you are home and doing well.  I'm glad that the roof damage wasn't to extensive.  Continue to rest please.  We miss you, but your health comes first.  Ms. Sandie

21 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 8:05 PM CST

It is wonderful to hear from you. I am so thankful that all went well and you are home. Prayers will continue for your healing.

1 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 8:07 PM CST

good evening and I’m glad you are on the way to recovery.  It’s wonderful to have family members who are so helpful and do what needs done, isn’t it?  

I want to thank you for giving me so much hope.  I’ve recently found out I have a cardiac issue and so far, it seems a minor one as far as hearts go.  Knowing that you have been through so much with your heart and you’re still optimistic and living a happy, productive life is so encouraging to me.  
For now, I’m following the doctors treatment plan to the t and have more tests to come.  
so thank you for a beautiful blog and YouTube channel and for the encouragement you’ve given me.  

1 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 8:26 PM CST

Hello Ms. Donna

Praying for your speedy recovery and am glad that you are back in your bed. Take your time and I'll get back to you soon.


11 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 8:44 PM CST

Wonderful to hear from you and to learn the surgery was successful.  Bet you didn't tell them what great shape you were in from all the furniture moving and floor finishing :).  Heard about the storms; grateful your damage wasn't worse.  Lot of hugs being sent down south for you and your family Donna.  

1 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 8:46 PM CST

I am new to your posting via Jenny of Elefantz and am enjoying your writing very much.

I am glad you are doing well and will be able to use the "down" time to do needle work.

Glad the roof damage was not extensive and no one was hurt.

4 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 9:01 PM CST

So glad to hear you are home and have your new pacemaker. PTL! Enjoy the quiet recovery time as you gain strength every day. I will keep you in my prayers 

1 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 9:08 PM CST

Thankful that prayers were answered and you are now back at home.  Here”s to a quick recovery.  ??????? 

6 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 9:22 PM CST

so nice to hear from you, yourself!! Take care, rest up, and you’ll be buzzing around before we all know it.  You are in our prayers.  

81 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 9:26 PM CST

It's wonderful to hear that things went well with your surgery, and I wish you a complete recovery!

60 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 9:59 PM CST

So glad to hear that your surgery went well. I hope you make a speedy recovery but please take as much time as you need to rest up. Enjoy the time you'll have to do some needlework now.

49 posts
Tue Jun 20, 23 10:09 PM CST

Wonderful news that your surgery is over and you are on the road to recovery.  Take care and read, sew, and knit------nice relaxing things to keep you entertained and not exert yourself.

Be careful, we need you around to keep us on the right path.

31 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 2:21 AM CST

So pleased to hear that the surgery went well and you are once again at home. 
Take care, rest up and enjoy the quiet pleasures of knitting, reading etc

29 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 2:41 AM CST

So wonderful to hear you are home Donna and that it all went well. Enjoy the time while you rest and recuperate ~ Blessings - Linda

9 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 3:33 AM CST

Grateful that things went well and you're back at home. We need your quiet loving words to remind us of what we really need, and help us throw out the unimportant. Best wishes for a smooth recovery, and here's hoping you enjoy these weeks of enforced rest! Much love.

7 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 5:15 AM CST

I am so very glad the surgery was successful. Continued prayers that your recovery is good. Take care and thank you for the update.

30 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 6:44 AM CST

Very good! Glad you are on the mend and hope you are feeling better in general. Prayers do work, don't they? Take it easy and come back when you are well. 

10 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 8:40 AM CST


So glad to know that all went well and that you are home! It was a wonderful surprise to get a post directly from you! Continue to rest and not overdo. I'm thankful that the storms didn't do more damage than they did and that y"all are all right. 



86 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 9:11 AM CST

It was a surprise to see you post, but I'm glad to see it.  I'm thankful your surgery went so well.  I hope you are up and going again, soon.

What a disappointment, getting holes in a new roof!  I'm glad your roofer was so quick to respond and that your family was able to remove the limb.  We had a tornado here last week (Florida Panhandle), just a few miles from my house, but it was only a level 0 or 1, and the damage, luckily, was not too bad and no one was hurt.  We continue to have violent thunderstorms nearly every day though.  I hope your home, yard, and of course, you and Charles (and the pets!) are safe and unharmed as these storms roll through.

58 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 9:43 AM CST

Oh, what a joy to hear this. I will continue to pray for your recovery.  Sorry you had to deal with the roof mishap, but how nice family came in to help and it's being taken care of.  LOL on the sponge baths as I was reading... knowing that would be easy for you knowing how prepared you are!  Rest and know we all are delighted to hear you are doing well.

34 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 11:11 AM CST

Thank you for an update on your surgery.  I was wondering how it went and so glad to read that you are recuperating at home.  I chuckled at how life has prepared you for almost anything (the washstand). 

I read about the weather the southeast is experiencing.  I am sorry that you had rough winds and got roof damage.  Hopefully insurance covers it.

Take care!

38 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 11:52 AM CST

So happy you are back home! We've been lucky here and have had some thunderstorms but no damage so far. I picked up a weather radio for alerts.

Rest up while you have the excuse :)

12 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 3:58 PM CST
This made me so happy to read, I’ve been checking periodically to see how it went <3
Edited Wed Jun 21, 23 3:58 PM by Diamond A
31 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 4:23 PM CST

Good afternoon.  I was so happy to see this post, I knew your surgery was coming up, so kept checking here for an update.   Wonderful news that the new pacemaker is in and all is well.  Happy healing!   Thanks so much for the news, I will be send healing sparkles your way ;). 

17 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 5:08 PM CST

Hello Grandma Donna, I'm glad to hear your surgery went well and I am holding you in my prayers for a continued recovery. What a pain about the tree and the new roof! I'm glad you had family to help and I hope it can get properly fixed up soon and that it's not too expensive. Sending love and healing prayers across the oceans from Australia. xx

6 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 6:00 PM CST


Glad that all is going well.  A chance to take quiet time for yourself.

Hugs Penny

23 posts
Wed Jun 21, 23 7:48 PM CST

Wishing you a peaceful recovery now that you are home.  I had to laugh at Lady L's comment about you "itching to move furniture soon". I think she's right.  ;-)  Fight that urge and enjoy your quiet time. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers~

31 posts
Thu Jun 22, 23 9:59 AM CST

Praise God for your successful surgery. May He heal you completely and fully in Jesus' name.

The LORD bless you!
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
20 posts
Fri Jun 23, 23 5:48 AM CST

Best news of this week. So glad to hear you are well. I have been checking in regularly to see if you were okay, and you are. Have a cosy/hygge time with sewing and knitting. Happy and speedy recovery. 

7 posts
Fri Jun 23, 23 10:41 AM CST

Thank you for the updates and I continue to send my best wishes as you recover from the procedure.  Be well!

48 posts
Sun Jun 25, 23 4:20 AM CST

thank you for the update. I’m glad you are doing well 

7 posts
Mon Jun 26, 23 3:39 AM CST

Praise our Lord who has kept you safe and brought you home to your  own bed, your own dear sanctuary. Continuing to pray, dear Donna. x

Edited Mon Jun 26, 23 3:40 AM by Jennifer R
14 posts
Mon Jun 26, 23 3:27 PM CST

Delighted to read your post operative post here, GD! Sending you many warm greetings across the seas from the south of New Zealand and wishing you a calm, lovely healing time. 
I think there’s nothing as nice as your own bed and your own familiar surroundings. I hope your resting time will turn out to be a treasure for you. 

4 posts
Tue Jun 27, 23 5:24 AM CST

Good to hear from you dear Donna and good to hear you doing  well. I wish you a speedy recovery and I’m looking forward to read your lovely new stories. Lieve groeten, Mirjam (Haarlem, the Netherlands)

12 posts
Tue Jun 27, 23 7:06 AM CST

So glad to hear this news!  Sending lots of good wishes and blessings for a smooth and speedy recovery!  

14 posts
Tue Jun 27, 23 12:39 PM CST

I am so glad to hear from you!  Thank you for sharing your success.  I hope the roof can get fixed quickly.  Many prayers.  Gentle hugs and stay well and recouperate.  

34 posts
Tue Jun 27, 23 9:31 PM CST

Hello again!  I was thinking about you today.  I hope the heat wave down there abates soon, and that you have air conditioning!  I am not a hot weather person at all.  It has been raining a lot here, which we needed, but it's also been really, really muggy.  :(

I hope that you are taking it easy, and that your body is healing well.

Take care!

28 posts
Sun Jul 02, 23 11:57 PM CST

Donna, it is such good news to hear that you are recovering well from your surgery and from the storms.  I'm certain that it was scary during the storm and having the tree fall on the house.  I've been through many Midwestern storms and they can be frightening.  

Praying for continued recovery and the blessing of time to do some quiet work.  Good bless you. 


10 posts
Thu Jul 06, 23 2:19 PM CST

Hello GDonna, I tried to send a comment a few days ago but I must have hit the wrong button. Not unsual for me .Ha! So happy that your surgery went well and will continue to hold you in my prayers. You are such a blessing in my life and in so many other lives too. Take care of yourself and blog when you can. We will all look forward to when ever a blog post is here. Carolyn in Fl.

171 posts
Sat Jul 08, 23 12:25 PM CST

That's wonderful news about everything from the roof to recovery. Your pillow cases look very nice on your bed. I love the patterns. Always wonderful to be in your own bed! Much love!

31 posts
Tue Jul 25, 23 6:09 AM CST

Good morning!  It has been about a month since you updated us on your surgery.  Hope you are healing up!  Prayers for your healing headed your way.

Edited Tue Jul 25, 23 6:10 AM by Hilogene O
37 posts
Mon Jul 31, 23 4:31 AM CST

Hoping you are feeling better every day

28 posts
Tue Aug 01, 23 6:38 PM CST

I've been thinking of you today; hoping everything is going well.  Don't worry about replying, we know you're busy healing. 

60 posts
Wed Aug 02, 23 4:57 PM CST

I hope all is going well with your recovery. I see that others are starting to worry too if you are o.k. Hope you are healing well and are able to spend some time on quiet and easy things that you may not have had time to do before. 

Have A Great Day!

12 posts
Wed Aug 02, 23 8:32 PM CST

Just wanted to send you and your family continued good wishes during your recovery.  Hope you are getting stronger every day.  Take good care, Elizabeth

48 posts
Thu Aug 03, 23 2:48 PM CST

Hope you’re doing well. I’m missing your posts a lot. 

15 posts
Fri Aug 04, 23 9:02 AM CST

So happy you're doing well! Enjoy your break and take good care. Getting my fall seeds out today which made me think about you. Karen

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