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love!! The purse you found!
You are so inspiring! I have been following your post only for a little while, when recommended by another person I follow.
I am retired and, even though I know…things do get done when you do them “step by “step” one does need inspiration sometimes …and you must get such a good feeling when you have achieved your goals!
I admire your perseverance with all the things that are hard ( floor and walls, plants in and out etc). Well done! You both need a well earned “pat on the back”.
Looking forward to read more, thank you
you did good at the closing sale. We struck out. Wish I’d gone to the thrift store too. Last time I found an excellent winter coat for $10. The antique store was our favorite to browse. Hate to see it close!
Grandma Donna Wrote, Hi Barbara G, I am glad you are following my blog and here in the forum! Thank you so much for jumping in and commenting. It seems many of the things I choose to do lately are hard to do but my motivation is once I am finished I can nestle down in my rocker and knit or embroidery which I really want to do. :)
Dell O, we did not know that the antique store was closing and we were going to go to Backyard Treasures to find a little cup and my daughter in law called me to say while we were out we might want to go by the antique store, someone told her it was closing and they were having a big sale. So instead we went to the thrift and to the closing at the antique sale. It was selling out quickly, I am happy that we went by there when we did. I did see a couple of signs moving to backyard treasures so that is good. I have not been thrifting in a very long time, it was a fun adventure and good to get out.
I'm not an expert by any means and can't see all of the bird in the pictures, but that might be a juvenile sharp-shinned hawk, which are small hawks to start with or a merlin falcon. They will both get birds at feeders sometimes. We've been lucky in that our resident red-shouldered hawk leaves our bird feeders alone.
I hate to see an antique store close, but I know it is a hard business to maintain. You got some good finds while out.
I definitely am decluttering, in stages. What I can't figure out is how there is always more to de-clutter! You'd think I was shopping weekly and bringing home bags of things, but I don't do that. I buy something only on occasion, usually something I need for organizing, storage, or the like, and I often clean out something old at the same time.
Grandma Donna wrote, Joan S, I completely understand what you said about someone might think we go out shopping weekly because there is always something to declutter. I feel we would have to get completely down to bareness to stop this from happening. I think it has to do with season changes and the pulling in and out of things and for me, one problem is finding a place for some things that have never had a good and proper location such as winter hats and summer hats etc.
What an adorable purse!! Thrift stores by me are terrible. They're not neat and clean and junk is usually piled on a shelf and it's usually unclean. I miss them so. I decluttered two weeks ago. Cleaned out an entire closet of failures and groaning and feel much better. I do need to dust books and oil my bookshelves though. I see you have Little House on the Prairie, as do I, along with several other fantastic picture/info books. I just love them.
I am lucky to have some good thrifting options near me, and I also frequent estate sales. I typically have a running list in my head (sometimes on paper) that I use to remember what I am looking for, but also sometimes I will consider buying something that catches my eye. Does anyone else keep strictly to a list when thrifting, or is it more common to just go with the flow? I know it is hard to find the exact thing one is looking for, but I have actually lucked out some times!
Hi! Your thrift finds are great. The blouse is so pretty.
I think you hit it right on the nail when you said that you need to find a proper place for different things, like the hats. That is what decluttering is all about, finding the proper place or home for each item you want to keep. If I can't find a proper home for it, then it has to be very special for me to keep. But I am finding, that for me, it feels very good to let things go. I am loving having more space. Clean and serene.
Hi Grandma Donna,
Thank you for all the regular posts you've been writing, I've enjoyed them so much. I loved the 'thrifting', especially the lamp and pillowslip, both so pretty ! and your tomato plants are looking so nig!! what a great start they'll have.
On my side of the world:
This week I've mostly been thinking about the coming season of Winter. I'm checking clothing: coats, sleepwear, shoes - all that wort of thing. Do we have enough firewood etc etc. As it's Autumn and we have a few sunny days we're finally able to get out and weed some of the many overgrown gardens (summer was too wet). Zucchinis and tomatoes are all finishing off and their is a feeling of rest and winding down for a Winters sleep for the garden. I like to get it tidied up and pile on some pea straw, tucking it in for Winter. I always enjoy Winter.
Many blessings to you dear Donna, take care ~ Linda
Hi G Donna and All! Well this was another timely post for me. I have been on a major decluttering mission here at our home. I have always been well organized (no choice raising 6 kids) but now the chicks are all out of the nest and it’s time for me to pass on most of the sentimental items I saved for them. I found I was just reorganizing things and just like you, G Donna, I have other things I’d rather be doing. So decluttering and purging and donating to our thrift stores has really cleared out the house and made it easier to clean and therefore relax in. Waiting to hear more from you all about your decluttering journeys as it is really motivating for me. Take care!!
I was going to suggest it was a Sharp-shinned Hawk as well. We see them around our garden sometimes, too. They love to hunt the little birds in the hedge. Such beautiful creatures!
Decluttering never seems to end...but I find it rather satisfying. Matt and I went through the bedroom closet this weekend and pulled out things we never wear. Some will be recycled in my sewing room into various things. Some will be donated to the charity shop. The closet looks and feels so much better for it.
I too have been decluttering this past week. I found that in our closet I had a TON more room if I folded all the clothes and only hung up things that actually needed it. Now I have a trash bag full of coat hangers to donate. I will be glad though to get rid of the plastic hangers. They do there job, but I'm just tired of the flimsy plastic.
The hawk is really impressive. We too had a garden visitor-our whippoorwill came back now 3 nights in a row. We really enjoy his sounds at night. I have a pillowcase almost exactly like that from our Nana. We love them! What a great thrift day.
I know I am late on this post but we are decluttering now. Well, mostly me, my husband is busy working over time at FEDEX, trying to fix the vehicles and keep us in wood this winter since I'm not allowed to help with that. I could but he doesn't want me doing that kind of work right now. It's probably for the best. My husband loads the trucks at FEDEX, among other things. Right now is Holiday peek season so FEDEX is very busy.
I got overwhelmed with the house. Many worries this last year or so, with health issues and all so the house got let go for awhile. Now that first trimester fatigue is over, I'm able to have the energy to get our house back. We have a lot to get rid of and baby supplies to bring in. It's crazy to think it's only going to be a little over 3 months before we have a little one here in the house again. It's been so long I've forgotten what that's like! My youngest son being 16 years old! Plus this one will be a girl...I've never had a girl before. I'm also trying to set up new habits and routines to pass on to this little girl. We're thinking of calling her Emalee (Emma for short) Grace after her great grandmother who has passed on. I never met her. She was on my husband's side. But she sounded like a wonderful women...always wore sundresses I hear and was full of energy. I think we would have got along wonderfully.
There is so much to do and think on right now therefore ridding the house of clutter seems to be bringing a bit of order to the chaos. Daily goal lists help. I usually put these together after my husband leaves for the day and my boys are still asleep. I noticed my youngest son cleaning up and decluttering his room yesterday also! That's a big thing for a teenage boy! Decluttering seems to be a bit contagious.
Anyway, I am excited for this forum option on your page. Your page has come a long way in the years I have been visiting. Same great content, just more interactive. God Bless, GD and family. I pray you are feeling well today and are able to pursue your interests more and more daily as you recover from a busy and often times upsetting year.

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