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For many years my mother suffered with a constant ringing in one ear. She never learned the cause but did learned nothing could be done for it. It was bad enough it excused her from jury duty at least once. I learned early on that I had to speak up so she could hear me. She rarely played the car radio because she was afraid she might not hear an emergency vehicle.
Grandma Donna wrote, Kathy D, I can understand your mother not wanting sound in the car so she can hear an emergency vehicle. Meniere's disease and any kind of ear noise and pressure truly alters your life. Thank you for sharing your story about your Mother.
The picture of the crochet-trimmed washcloth brings back memories. My Georgia grandmother did this with almost all of her washcloths. She did the same with handkerchiefs that she gave as small gifts. I still have some she decorated, including one or two she gave to Mom. Mom had stored them away, but I’ve kept and used them.

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