Comments On Article: Can We Live A Simple Life Of Long Ago?
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I really enjoyed this post! It is so true that it is only ourselves that keeps us from living a simpler life. I do a lot of things that can go with a simple life. Since there was a chill in the air this morning, I cooked breakfast on the wood stove. I cooked eggs, potatoes, and sausages in my favorite cast iron pan. Then I hung my clothes out on the line to dry. I wash my dishes by hand since my dishwasher died about four years ago. I do a lot of canning. I canned 30 pints of Mayacoba bean soup yesterday and have the pressure cooker going again. I wear dresses or skirts 99% of the time since dressing like that has a more old-fashioned feel to it. I don't work outside of my home. My house is old and it is paid off. I think it is from the early 1940s. I am 100% debt-free. I don't watch much TV. Much of my furniture is antique. I am not into cell phones at all. I still write letters. I like to read real paper books. I have the beginnings of a simple life but something is definitely missing. I need to think more about what I need to do to gain a simple life. I do think that the internet can take away from a simple life.
I enjoy going back and reading these older posts. Even when nothing new is posted there is always plenty from the past to enjoy.
Donna, I wondered if you and Charles have thought about doing another history study again. It seems like sometimes at the end of the year you get all excited for some new history study.
Thanks for all your great posts!
Becky Sue
Grandma Donna wrote, Hi Becky Sue, I love it when someone brings forward and older post because then I read it and it is often a post that I have forgotten about. This one was in 2017 so that has been awhile now but still very in line with where we are going with our life.
I have not been posting as often lately because we have been working to make our home and yard more sustainable and being older it takes us longer to do things. You are right that about this time of year in December we are normally working on a new history project. We do not have one planned for this year because we feel that the direction we are going will help to put us more in line with our history studies. We realize that with Charles retiring in 2025 we have to be extremely frugal and everything about our history studies has guided us to understand what is necessary to live more simple and less spending.
So what we will be doing in 2025 is living more like our ancestors, growing food, and spending as little as possible. We will be the history study this year which will include more canning as you are doing, sewing, and doing most everything from scratch and by hand.
You said, I have the beginnings of a simple life but something is definitely missing. I need to think more about what I need to do to gain a simple life. I do think that the internet can take away from a simple life. That feeling you are having is most likely about what you are not missing. We still have many things that are our crutch from this modern life that we are holding on to. I have them too and they do not fit into this lifestyle. You are right about the internet but we are in a catch with this modern gadget that has us attached because this world we live in today is almost forcing us to change to the way they want us to go and even using it for our medical and banking and most everything. I have a battle with this myself.
As I have said before in my posts, we have electricity and running water, it is up to us how much we use. We have wall outlets and it is up to what we plug in. You must be doing something right because your house is paid for and you are debt free. You are washing your dishes by hand and hanging your clothes to dry....look around and just start taking those baby steps to do what it takes until you do not have that feeling anymore that something is missing, it might be something that you have not given up that is bothering you. You will know when you are comfortable and when you find out let me know. Donna

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