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Patricia Gregory wrote
I'm so enjoying it all. Thank you
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Although I have been cooking for many years, I am learning about *organized* cooking by reading about your process. Can you elaborate on your weekly menu?
Grandma Donna wrote, S Scribbler, I am a person that needs an organized way to do things such as household chores and cooking because my nature is to take on too many things at one time and if I do not have some kind of routine I could easily spend too much time on something rather than doing what I need to be doing in the house, kitchen or garden.
We are all different and with different needs and some people do not like routines and do perfectly fine without them. We are also at different stages in our life and have different menu needs. Many are at the stage of small children in the home, or teenagers that could eat your monthly grocery budget in one week. Many are single or just two in the home. Charles and I have adjusted through life with what we cook and how we cook. As we are getting older we have adjusted again to food tolerances and we enjoy eating meals without a lot of fuss in the kitchen, less clean up. We eat more soup than we used to using leftovers. I tried to write out a typical weekly menu here but it was too long for a forum post. There are a lot of factors, how we divide our meats and how many onions and potatoes we keep on hand. I will try and work on a post update to that blog post. If you need a specific answer right away, please send me an email and maybe we can figure it out. :)
Thank you, Gramma Donna. We're empty nesters with an overstuffed freezer! (and some food issues as well) I'm trying to get organized. Maybe I should try a weekly menu.

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