About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Sustainable small backyard

June 28, 2011
What are we planning?
I am re-posting this page because we learn from our gardening mistakes and looking back can show how far we have come from earlier days.
It is now 2010.
We will be taking many photos this year 2009 as we work on being more sustainable.  We started much earlier than we usually do to grow vegetables (possibly too early).  We already have our potatoes planted and they are already coming up.  We have lettuce growing, horseradish is coming up, beets are starting to emerge, we have onions planted and already getting tall, we have garlic that is growing well and turnip and mustard greens that are sprouting. 
I have included on this page some of our photos from last year to show failures and success stories.
We will be documenting and taking photos in 2009 of these things:
Expanding our growing space
How to grow butternut squash in a small yard
How to grow watermelon in a small yard
Improved composting
Food Storage and rotation
Worm Composting
Saving Seed
How much food do we need to grow? and....
Moving a lot of flowers and replacing them with vegetables.
Pictures taken last year (2008)
Our fig tree second year after planting.
Squash seemed to be growing well
Even made a female bloom but never had the first squash to eat.
Beans we could grow!
And produced many beans!
We made herb beds and vegetable beds by turning stepping stones on their sides.
We had tomatos all summer long well into fall.  This is when we learned that there are "determinate" and "indeterminate" tomatoes.  The determinate tomato is more bushy and it set's fruit and grows a certain amount of tomatoes then will die.  The indeterminate tomato, (more like me) has no set time it just grows and vines and produces all summer and into winter then slowly dies away.
We had supervisors
We had chickens in our twelve apostles, oh those pesky not city approved chickens! We grew those twelve apostles for my mother, they are also called walking iris.  This is a shady area and I have not found a vegetable that will grow well in that area.
We had conversations about how we were doing with our gardening skills.
We had strange mushrooms
That were actually pretty
And appeared to be ready for rain.
We had pretty flowers
And large flowers
We had pretty water drops in our birdbath
We had a watchful eye and some pretty sage blooms
Our eggplant produced well
And we ate the eggplants even though we did not like them at first but have learned to like them by slicing them in half and drizzling olive oil over them, bake them until tender.  Salt and pepper and they are very good.  You can add them to a pasta dish and many other ways.  We learned that you need to pick your eggplant before it gets to big or it will turn bitter.  We also realized that we have a problem harvesting our food because it looks so pretty on the plant thus sometimes leaving the vegetable or fruit too long. Just pick it and hopefully more will grow.
When it got really hot outside I made a pincushion, this was the top, I still have not made the bottom cushion.
I helped my neighbor brush up on her tatting skills.
I took a picture of a lunar moth.  If I had not been gardening I would have never seen this beautiful moth.  This is the second lunar moth that we have seen in our yard.

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